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Feijóo criticizes the government for not contacting the PP to discuss the trajectory of spending

Alberto Núñez Feijóo criticizes the government for not having contacted the PP to discuss the spending path, whose vote the Executive has agreed to postpone to avoid a new setback in Congress, by not having the necessary support to approve it. “It seems that Meetings in Switzerland went wrong“, the ‘popular’ leader joked.

“This current Spain is an ungovernable Spain and this government, instead of being humble and seeking support, is arrogant and arrogant and insults the opposition all day long,” he also denounced in an interview with ‘Telecinco’ this Tuesday.

The opposition leader recalled Statement by Pedro Sanchez that a government without a budget “has no cars or gasoline” and stressed that now it has neither. Furthermore, he rejected any responsibility, given that The Executive did not sit down to talk to themand stressed that it is the government that highlights, insults, disqualifies and tries to destroy the opposition, silence and divide society.

Enough blaming me “The problems of the parliamentary minority in which the Government finds itself,” said Feijóo, who affirmed that the PP cannot support a path of stability that increases the expenditure of the central government and foresees the greatest adjustments for the autonomous communities that must manage health, education and social services.

Ready to talk if the “separatist quota” is withdrawn

On the other hand, the leader of the main opposition party opened the door to resume dialogue with the Government on financing autonomous if the Executive withdraws the “separatist quota”. This return to negotiations is “probable”, he said, if the Executive does not continue with its intention to provide Catalonia with a single financing.

“If there is a commitment from the government of remove the separatist quota “It is obvious that things were going to change. If we return to equality for Spaniards in education, health and public services, it would be easier to talk with the Executive,” he said.

However, he insisted that if, on the contrary, a financing system is considered to keep Sánchez in Moncloa for a few more months, it will be “impossible to agree on anything that affects the autonomous state.” According to him, today it is no longer a question of reforming the financing system of the autonomous communities, but rather of breaking the current model. “Let’s talk seriously about the problems and not give the government breathing aid,” he said.




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