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Feijóo decrees the sit-in of his barons against Sánchez and demands 18 billion for the LACC

The territorial barons of the Popular Party will sit alongside the president of the government Pedro Sánchez, who announced on Wednesday a series of meetings with all the regional presidents to lay the foundations for the future reform of regional financing. The leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, asks for 18 billion from European funds not executed for the autonomies, and submits to the criteria of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who, a few hours before the conclave held this morning between the popular barons and the president of the PP, urged to reject bilateral contacts to promote a “fairer” system in which they will receive more resources through an increase in the solidarity fund. Yesterday, the Madrilenian accused Sánchez of having developed a strategy to “buy the PP’s CCAA with money, to divide us among ourselves”, so that Alberto Núñez Feijóo “has nothing to do with it”, she said. in a press conference.

“All (popular) presidents They refuse to fall into a deceptive bilaterality with regard to the regional financing system“, announced the Galician at the press conference convened during the meeting held at the Palace of the Dukes of Pastrana. A summit in which the opposition leader tried to move a unity bloc, before the President of the Government and the fiscal agreement for Catalonia, which must be submitted to the vote of the Congress of Deputies. “All Spaniards will pay the separatist share,” added the leader of the PP who demanded that Sánchez put an end to the development of the government. agreement. Among the 12 popular regional presidents, the Galician deployed the terms of the manifesto signed by his people, which – as he said – represent “70% of the Spanish population”, and demanded a transfer “immediate” 18 billion euros for the Autonomous Communities, coming from European funds “that the government has not been able to implement”.

The first vice-president, María Jesús Montero, defended last Wednesday in the Senate that the fiscal pact is a “solidarity” agreement that opens the door for other Autonomous Communities to access better financing conditions. An argument that – in parallel – Sánchez sealed from the Cervantes Institute. “In the coming weeks, I will bilaterally convene each of the regional presidents to a working meeting at the Moncloa Palace,” he announced, before anticipating that “we know that some will try to torpedo this objective.”

The truth is that the offer of Bilateral meetings threatened to present different positions on financing the autonomy that the territorial barons of the PP defend from their regions. From Valencia, Carlos Mazón has not stopped demanding the need to set up a levelling fund to compensate for the underfunding suffered by his region, alongside Andalusia, Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha. “This is my priority within the PP and before the Government,” the Valencian president said yesterday. Other territorial leaders do not consider this a priority, as indicated by the minutes of the last Fiscal and Financial Policy Councils, to which they had access. the economist.est. “We must not assume that there are underfunded autonomous communities and others that are overfunded, when the reality is that they are all underfunded,” responded the Minister of the Treasury of a PP autonomy, during one of the CPFF in which Andalusia, Valencia and Murcia requested the creation of the mechanism. The Fedea recommends the creation of a fund of 3 billion euros to compensate the four regions blocked by the current system. According to the manifesto signed today by the popular presidents, Genoa commits to “proposing a transitional fund with the aim of reducing underfunding”even if it does not detail the regions which will benefit.

María Jesús Montero has been asking the PP for months for a joint proposal that would serve as a basis to begin negotiations on the renewal of the model. An option that Genoa rules out. “Since when has the government not made the proposal? We have it, if it opens the financing system, we will put it on the table, and if not, we will promote it when Feijóo is president,” said the leader of the Popular Economy Party responded months ago, Juan Bravo in an interview with this media.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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