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Feijóo demands “resources and firmness” from Sánchez after the shipwreck in El Hierro of 84 migrants this morning

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóoasked the government this Saturday to face “resources and firmness“the migration emergency in Spain after the overturning of a canoe this Saturday near El Hierro, which caused the death of nine people and 48 others are missing.

“I transfered my solidarity with the Canarian presidentFernando Clavijo, and the regional vice president, Manuel Domínguez, and my gratitude to the rescue teams,” added Feijóo in a message on the social network. x.

The autonomous government of the Canary Islands meets urgently this Saturday at the headquarters of the Presidency of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the face of the humanitarian tragedy, to demand new actions from the government of Pedro Sánchez.

Authorities are still searching for 48 people missing after the accident at sea while 27 survivors They have already been assisted in the Canary Islands port of La Estaca by a medical device and three of them were transferred to the Nuestra Señora de los Reyes Hospital, one for hypothermia, another for dehydration and the third for trauma to the shoulder of moderate character. .

“This tragic episode proves the migration emergency in Spain. The government must face it with resources and firmness,” underlined Feijóo.

Canary Islands reaction

Peg too regretted the death of migrants: “Unfortunately, a new tragedy underlines once again the danger of the Atlantic route“, wrote the president of the Canaries in his official account. xin which he urged Spain and the European Union to act “decisively” in the face of a structural humanitarian drama.

For his part, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, Also regretted the death of the nine migrants.

“We are faced a humanitarian dramathat these people get on a boat and a canoe to try to have a chance at their life and unfortunately many lose it,” he said.

In statements to the media before participating in a meeting of the PSOE Regional Committee of the Canary Islands, Torres insisted that this event “we must raise awareness among those who want to build walls to the seato those who treat immigrants with contempt, to those who try to separate people based on the color of their skin.

He president of the Cabildo of El HierroAlpidio Armas, also demanded in a “forceful” manner the implementation of “urgent” solutions faced with the humanitarian tragedy that occurred this morning near the coast of the island, after the capsize of a canoe.

In an audio sent to the media, Alpidio Armas indicated that in the face of these “dramatic” events, it is appropriate not only to regret it, but also to “strongly demand” urgent solutions“.

A greater tragedy possible

These statements from different leaders come in the context of the sinking of a canoe with 84 people on board that occurred this morning in El Hierro, which could become the biggest migratory tragedy ever to occur in the Canary Islands. in 30 years of boat arrivals.

The cayuco, which left Mauritania for the Canary Islands, overturned when many occupants got up during rescue operations, carried out at night and in adverse weather conditions, with wind gusts of around 37 kilometers per hour.

According to the first information available, Maritime rescue services recovered nine bodies And search for 48 missing peoplegiven that Only 27 of the Cayuco’s occupants survived.which capsized as it was about to be rescued, seven kilometers from the coast.

In recent years, social organizations and the United Nations Organization for Migration (IOM) itself have reported canoe sinkings in the Atlantic, leaving dozens dead and no survivors. The biggest tragedy that occurred in the Canary Islands remains that of Los Cocoteros.




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