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Feijóo denies PP cracks over funding after Mazón says he will talk with Sánchez

The leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoodenied their existence cracks in your finance training after the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazonsaid last Tuesday that he would discuss with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the “exceptional and necessary and monographic measures” for his region.

“The only cracks that exist here, as we can see, are in the House, among the partners who support the Government and within the government itself” said the opposition leader, when asked about Mazón upon his arrival this Wednesday at the plenary session of Congress, where the head of the Executive will not be present due to his travel to china.

He also added that he would not worry about the Popular Party, because his formation “is a state party and has no cracks, what it does have are territorial responsibilities.”

Also this Tuesday the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Morenostressed that if the President of the Government calls him to a meeting, he will go and speak “with judgment and rigor” about the problem of financing the communities, while defending that if he wants to face the debt, he must “sit all the communities down”, because bilaterally “you do not know what you are negotiating with one or the other.”

Last Friday, the regional presidents of the PP committed themselves, in a written document, to “not break multilaterality in any case” regarding the updating of regional financing. On Monday, the president of the PP and sources from its national leadership stressed that this agreement also included, although it was not expressly mentioned, the negotiation on the cancellation of the debt.





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