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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo meets Meloni and praises his policy against irregular immigration: "It's effective"

Feijóo meets Meloni and praises his policy against irregular immigration: “It’s effective”

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijooon Thursday welcomed Italy’s policy of reducing irregular immigration after a meeting in Rome with the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloniand described his model as “effective,” unlike the case of Pedro Sánchez’s government in Spain, he lamented. “I am clearly against irregular immigration and I am very respectful of people who arrive with a regular work contract and respect the laws,” Feijóo said at a joint press conference with the Italian foreign minister. Antonio Tajaniat the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Rome.

Unlike the Italian case, the leader said popular, “In Spain there is no immigration policy,” and in light of this, “unfortunately The Canary Islands route is the route with the greatest pressure of immigrants from the European Union,” he stressed, accusing Sánchez’s executive of being responsible.

“Italian policy is very effective,” Feijóo stressed, adding that the PP will work as the main opposition force in Spain to combat human trafficking networks.

The President of the popular stressed that his training will be “respectful” of “regular immigration”but “with force” with the irregular to “prevent the mafias who traffic people from using them to do business”.

When meeting with Meloni, the two shared their thoughts “with a European and fraternal spirit” between the two countries. Thus, they undertook to “work to strengthen once again the political, social, economic and geostrategic relations between Spain and Italy”, with the PP being the main party in Congress, with an absolute majority in the Senate.

The PP leader also stressed that the main difference in migration is not between the parties, but “between politicians who fulfil their obligations and are responsible, and those who “They are irresponsible and blame others for what is happening in their country.”He thus advocated a migration policy “without labels or ideological excuses” and based on the combination of firmness, legality, humanity and the unity of the countries of Europe.

A “European alliance”

Feijóo travelled to Rome on Thursday to meet with Meloni and his foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, from the PP’s European family, as part of his tour aimed at promoting a “European alliance” against irregular immigration. For the popular, Meloni has managed the migration crisis in his country “much better” than the government of Pedro Sánchez in Spain.

This meeting between Feijóo and Meloni took place just a week after his meeting in Athens with the Greek Prime Minister and president of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakisand with the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Nikos Panagiotopouloswhose “firm” and “austere” immigration policy he praised compared to the “non-existent” one of the Spanish executive.

Feijóo, who proposed a “European alliance” against massive irregular immigration, announced at the beginning of his political career that he would undertake a tour through different European countries to seek support against the “lack of immigration control.”

From the PP, they have stressed in these weeks “the official data” that Genoa has and that operates within the EU “reflect “a significant decrease “of irregular immigration in Greece and Italy” to “around 60%”, after years of “hardly manageable pressure”, said the party spokesman, Borja Always“The migration policy that they are developing, in common agreement with the European Union, is saving lives,” he said.

For his part, Feijóo himself wondered last week “why the Greeks or the Italians have reduced the number of irregular migrants entering their countries and Spain today, on the route to the Canary Islands, has increased it by 50%.”

Vox: “We are not concerned”

From Vox, they consider that Feijóo seeks with this trip to Rome to have a “greater international dialogue”, thinking that Vox has lost relations with Meloni, something that those of Santiago Abascal categorically deny. “This trip does not worry us at all. It legitimizes the partners and allies of Vox”underline sources from the third of the hemicycle, according to Ep.

Likewise, these Vox sources believe that the PP wants to remove the immigration flag from Vox, but they do not predict a good result, especially when, as they claim, in the end the popular They ended up agreeing with Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE on certain issues, such as the judicial system.

This same Thursday, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoassured that the head of government, Pedro Sánchez, “lets the migration crisis multiply” to have Vox “at the top” in the CEI. In addition, Ayuso highlighted the management of immigration of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, who is “Solve this by going to the originbefore the European Union and against the mafias,” he stressed.

This is what Ayuso said during the government control session of the Plenary Assembly of Madrid, in response to a question from the spokesperson of Vox, Rocío Monasteryon the care of unaccompanied foreign minors. Monasterio, whom Ayuso accuses of having helped Sánchez by “triggering the debate on immigration”, demanded here the closure of the centers that welcome them.

After that, Ayuso criticized Monasterio for blaming him for policies that do not depend on regional powers and asked him “how they can be so selfish” in Vox given the current situation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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