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Feijóo offers a “bank of hours” for the conciliation and flexibility of the working day

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijooaffirms its commitment to promoting conciliation policies and proposes the implementation of a “hours bank” to facilitate it, as well as a “flexibility” of the working dayThe opposition leader is thus further tightening his approach after having opened up to studying the establishment of a “four-day working week”, with “nine hours per day” of work, but always maintaining the “productivity”The PP plans to submit a conciliation bill to the Congress of Deputies soon.

Feijóo thus advances the Popular Party’s desire to deepen the debate on the concentration of the working day over four days a week. “Feijóo’s approach It is conditional on the agreement between companies and workerswithout the possibility of imposition either by the government or by one of the parties. Moreover, this is linked to the sectors in which this is possible,” sources from Genoa say. The opposition leader is expected to meet social workersemployers and majority unions, in the coming weeks to address this subject.

According to the PP leader, there is a productivity problem in our country, but he is committed to solving it together with another of the problems that bother us as a country: low birth rate and parents’ difficulties in balancing work and familyadd PP sources.

According to these sources from Genoa, this “vocation of Feijóo represents a step forward for the Popular Party in a social concern that also has economic derivatives, and which appears among the concerns of a transversal electoratebecause reconciliation is a concern of families the entire ideological space.

The PP’s proposals on conciliation include other proposals such as free nursery schools from 0 to 3 years oldTHE tax incentives to companies that facilitate the return to work of women who have requested leave to care for their children, and freedom of fathers and mothers to distribute maternity and paternity leave days based on your personal preferences and without government impositions.

“It is true that we can sometimes work nine hours a day four days a week. Why not? For the moment, I prefer to talk about a bank of hours and that the workers can choose how they use it for conciliation reasons, and also for a flexible working day, but the new ways of working make us hope that we can work maybe a few more hours a day, but one day less a week,” says Feijóo.

Eva Cardenas

Feijóo addressed these and other questions in an interview for the magazine Vanity Fair conducted in early September and which is now being revealed. In this interview, the partner of the former president of the Xunta, businesswoman Eva Cárdenas, also makes statements. In full Begoña Gómez case, where the wife of the head of government is being investigated as a defendant for alleged crimes of influence peddling and corruption in the business world, Cárdenas claims that “We separate our professional lives a lot and we try to respect each other and not interfere. He also says that “if (Feijóo) asks me for ideas, I’m happy to give them to him, but I don’t get involved in his work as if he wasn’t involved in mine,” he said.

Precisely, regarding the Begoña Gómez case, Feijóo points out that although “in 46 years of democracy it has never been necessary, with what is happening now, perhaps we should “To clarify a little more” the figure of the wife of the tenant of Moncloa“No government president has had the same problems as this one, but the legislation is very clear on the subject of influence peddling,” says the PP leader.

Similarly, when asked about his opinion that “the relatives of parliamentarians have become a throwing weapon,” Feijóo responds: “If a couple uses a position to prosper economically or commercially, it is reprehensible, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the politician. There may or may not be criminal responsibility, but political responsibility is undeniable.. If one of them is wrong, he will have to take responsibility, what he cannot do is defame the other in an attempt to achieve equality.

On the other hand, regarding the escape of the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont last August after his visit to Barcelona on the day of the socialist’s inauguration Salvador IllaFeijóo says that “if Puigdemont had been arrested in August, Pedro Sánchez would not be president of the government today. “If he had done his duty “Following the Supreme Court’s arrest instructions, he would not have the necessary majority today to continue as president,” he stressed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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