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Feijóo shouts, then Ayuso arrives and doubles the bet

Regional financing is, has been and will be a big problem in a quasi-federal state like ours, but nothing helps the guilty demagogy of the right, which asks the state for money to give it to the richest people in the country. As Díaz Ayuso does and everyone sees it clearer than water

You already know: Congress approved on Wednesday the request addressed to the government to recognize the electoral victory of the Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González. The PP initiative obtained 177 votes, those of Feijóo’s party plus those of Vox, the PNV, the Unión del Pueblo Navarro and the Canarian Coalition. Excessive joy on the right: we have defeated Sánchez, the satrap is tottering, rest assured my friends, the Sánchez regime is collapsing. But other consequences could be drawn from this vote, and here we go. So, it is clear that the PP does not care about Venezuelans, that everything helps them to make noise and that for them there are no issues of State or responsible politics, that we came to this world to show that we proudly belong to the species of native scavenger birds, such as the Egyptian vulture, the crow, the black kite or the jackdaw. To the PNV, so proud of its seriousness, the Eye will later send a tender memory.

What difference does it make to this disoriented PP, which has long since lost its senses, that the government continues, responsibly, which is why it is a meticulous and complacent government, in its position of demanding Maduro’s minutes before risky recognitions, as the European Commission, the United Nations and the majority of international observers support? For Génova and its many brutal camera media, these are the details of the cheaters, the things of the reds who always find an excuse for their many sins. But these toasts to the sun – the motion is absolutely worthless – serve them in their dirty war of attrition waged against the Sánchez government. Do they not recognize the asylum of Edmundo González either? Nor: an embarrassing agreement between scoundrels, they say, with Zapatero in the most exposed place for the pimpampum of scoundrels who prove nothing but who never give up in their crude traps. Head against the wall. Whatever they do, it doesn’t matter, because for them there is no truth or reason.

Because we all know, like Trump, that Haitians eat the cats of poor Ohioans, how cute Pucky was, but a mangy black man came from Port-au-Prince and ate him by the mouthful. Díaz Ayuso is not afraid of Haitians, or we are not aware of it, but she is afraid of Catalans. Because this week he came to tell us, creature, that the bourgeoisie of the Eixample steals our churros from the Madrid festivals, so traditional, to give them to the castellers so that these savages can perform their demonic rites. The queen of vermouth has no key between her hair and her mouth, and she lets slip what she is told to say without thinking that it is stupid, vile or insulting. It’s just that I am spontaneous, she says, rolling her eyes like Lina Morgan. Ayuso only knows how to survive in confrontation, in arrogance, in the mud of slander. What is it, if not a provocative absurdity, so ridiculed by Vox, that the creation of a comprehensive care center for male victims of sexual violence? The worst thing is that its leader does not dare to put an end to so much ridiculous delusion, so weak in his shell of a senseless leader. Does the PP really want to seduce Junts with this bravado more typical of Abascal? Does Genoa mark the line to be followed by the party or is it the Puerta del Sol? Tellado or Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, what a beautiful fight full contact until first blood.

So with these locks is what the very serious politicians of the PNV, we are not for frivolities, whoever smiles does not appear in the photo, wanted to throw a nun’s clamp at the Government, remember my five votes. Ugly, very ugly, we do not play with things to eat, and we never believed that they were in the far north ready to enter the category of gossip to prove we do not know what. A traditional support for the Venezuelans? Yes, but that did not force us to vote for this statement condemned to the trash. Stop the nonsense of Lazarillo, international relations do not tolerate jokes. Now we have the great mess of the two detainees in Venezuela, both from Bilbao. Let’s wait and see, the joke can get complicated.

From the height of the debate, they try to interest us to the point of burning our eyebrows in the exciting hieroglyph of fiscal balances. Regional financing is, has been and will be a big problem in a quasi-federal state like ours, but nothing helps the guilty demagogy of the right, which asks the State for money to give it to the richest people in the country. As Díaz Ayuso does and everyone sees it clearer than water, including the members of his own party, also victims of these excesses. Of course, it is necessary to explain well what this distribution between autonomies will consist of, taking into account the tumult created by the government’s pacts with Esquerra and the so-called singular financing. But politicians should never forget where the quarters are played. Of course, you cannot abandon high politics, but you cannot hang around at home either.

Because if these things happen between gentlemen, ordinary people have other more banal concerns, whether it is education, health or housing. Either the dependency aid does not arrive, or we still do not have the papers proving that we are poorer than rats even though we asked for them months ago. It is unacceptable that citizens feel that the Administration, this enormous being, is not fulfilling its function and that the Government does not know how to fix it. Over there, the socialists – and Sumar – have an enormous job to do and millions of votes to win. There is a new Minister of Public Service, and Óscar López, in addition to joining the happy and angry ministers, Puente is the king, could show us that he came to power to make the Administration work. And already, let him insist with his colleagues in the cabinet to ensure that the trains run or that effective measures are taken to stop the rampage of rentals. Sánchez has also announced that today, to us, citizens, the so-called democratic regeneration plan will be explained. Let the males buckle up, because the avalanches of curses will accumulate in enormous masses of insidiousness and great apocalyptic lamentations in the face of the dictatorship that is descending upon us. Drowned in the garbage, we will remain.

What would happen in a debate between Sánchez, Feijóo, Abascal and Díaz, let’s leave it at that, if they only talked about these things about food? Proposals for concrete solutions and policies. So we would finish with this problem and thus with this other one. They talked about rents, tenants, landlords, construction companies and municipal permits. About the number of doctors in health centers, waiting lists, money saved in the public sector and why the right is filling the pockets of the private sector. How many teachers and professors are needed, how many we have and how much they charge. Student-to-class ratio, here or in Germany. About the price of oil and textbooks. We talked about things that everyone would understand, whether they watch El Hormiguero or La Revuelta. Do politicians really want citizens to be interested in governability, to come out of their apathy, for city dwellers to go to the polls to vote for one or the other? Well, try saying Pepita, I know what chicken is worth, Juanito, it costs you electricity. “Put the ball on the grass, chee”, as Di Stéfano used to say.

Yes, of course we are interested in Gaza, its horror, Ukraine or climate change. But we can certainly chew gum and walk at the same time.

Addendum: Ryan Wesley Routh is a 58-year-old white man who strolled onto the beautiful Palm Beach, Florida golf course with an AK-47 rifle like it was his backpack to carry his sandwich. The aforementioned Kalashnikov weighs about nine pounds, is 34 inches long, has a 16.5-inch barrel, has a rate of fire of 575 to 600 rounds per minute, and a maximum range of 2,000 feet. Routh’s friend, a curious guy, wrapped in the stars and stripes and obsessed with Ukraine, the chronicles say, has over a hundred criminal records. But here he is, toting an automatic rifle across the lush, green 18-hole courses. These characters, and thousands more like him, are the ones Donald Trump wants to allow to arm themselves as he pleases, that the freedom of this horror movie character is that any madman can shoot at will in schools or supermarkets. Choose the worst; Routh or Trump?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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