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HomeBreaking NewsFeijóo signs migration plan with Clavijo in the Canary Islands to force...

Feijóo signs migration plan with Clavijo in the Canary Islands to force an agreement with the government

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijoosigned a document on immigration issues with the President of the Canary Islands on Tuesday, Fernando ClavijoThe plan, which aims to accelerate the relocation of unaccompanied minors to other autonomous communities and more funding for them, will be transferred to the government as a starting point for an agreement on this issue at the national level.

“We found that The Canary Islands government is alone“We are in solidarity with them, because the Canary Islands cannot suffer from the lack of policy of the government, which acts irresponsibly and does not respect its powers,” said Feijóo. The PP leader appeared before the media alongside Clavijo from Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The opposition leader detailed the document signed with the leader of the Canarian Coalition, which the PP supports in the government of the islands. The text includes the demands that the PP has maintained so far to deal with the arrival of irregular migrants on the coasts of the Canaries.

The plan includes a commitment to the relocation of unaccompanied migrant minors, so that no community is safe to receive them. However, he is asking for more resources for this purpose, the convening of the Conference of Presidents and the establishment of a immigration emergency declaration before mobilizing resources.

Feijóo also demands greater border control, more police resources in these enclaves and the participation of the EU through community funds and the deployment of Frontex.

Truncated reform

Our goal is to “put an end to irregular immigration, save lives and ensure that Spain is not the mafia refuge “who traffic people,” the popular leader said. His principle, he said, is to “continue working to end irregular immigration and work together for regular immigration with contracts at origin.”

A few weeks ago, the government presented a proposal to reform the immigration law, but disagreements with the PP prevented an agreement from being reached. Feijóo insisted that the president, Pedro Sanchez“He did not want to negotiate anything with the PP.” “He presented a text without prior meetings and he did not want to commit to anything,” he added.

The PP leader said that his document had been agreed with the leader of the Canary Islands, whom he visited, and that the text would then be published. transferred to Sanchez“It is a document that seeks consensus to implement a firm and rigorous immigration policy,” he stressed.




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