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Feijóo visits the Chamartín festivities with his family while Sánchez avoids the streets

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, visited this Sunday with his family the festivities of San Miguel in the neighborhood of Chamartínreceiving greetings from neighbors and becoming selfies with them in the middle of the neighborhood’s attractions. An image of proximity which contrasts with last three corseted outings (in a Madrid cinema, in a museum and at the San Sebastian Festival) of Pedro Sánchez with the accused Begoña Gomezin which the head of the socialist government tried to avoid any revelation.

Of course, the secretary general of the PSOE received the adulation of Pedro Almodovar for his “physics” and did not hesitate to catch the Falcon and the Super Puma take a photo last Thursday on the red carpet, away from the public. Like the previous week, when he arrived at the Verdi cinemas in the capital in a totally controlled place designed so that he would go unnoticed with his wife, who was under investigation for alleged corruption. so they don’t get booed. An orchestrated number which was repeated the next day with the couple’s visit to the exhibition Pedro del Hierro. From master to brand at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum.

On the other hand, the walk of Feijóo’s family in the festivities of Chamartín this Sunday was witnessed on social networks by the president of the PP of this neighborhood and councilor of the Popular Group of Madrid City Hall, Yolanda Estrada. “Today we had an illustrious visit during the festivities of Chamartín. THANKS Feijoo for choosing us to spend a pleasant morning with the family and for making us appreciate what is behind the politician. After seeing the father you are, we will love to see the president you will be,” Estrada wrote on his official account.

The PP advisor accompanied this description with a photograph of Feijóo in front of a cotton candy standwith other families. Precisely, the improvement of family life has marked the agenda of the national PP in recent weeks, with Feijóo himself announcing proposals that he would implement upon his arrival in Moncloa, such as extend free childcare throughout Spain; increase the deduction for dependent children from personal income tax to 1,800 euros per year; increase paternity and maternity leave from 16 to 20 weeks, to be used freely; increase these permits for single-parent families to 26 weeks or protect by law the 45% bonus for hiring caregivers in large families.


This battery of measures is part of the Conciliation law that the PP plans to register this week in the Congress of Deputies. A text which will also focus on work flexibility, which is why the PP opened the door to the study of a reduction of the working week to 4 days provided that productivity is maintained and it is not something imposed or obligatory.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Secretary of Education and Health of the PP, Ester Munozdeclared on Sunday that “it is essential to consolidate the welfare state”, thus highlighting the conciliation law that the party will soon present to guarantee that, in a country with so many birth rate problems, “all those who they want to be fathers or mothers “They can be without having to become heroes.”

In addition, Muñoz insisted in statements to the León press that the objective of this bill is “to improve the family life of all those who want to be fathers and mothers and who cannot currently do so “.

Housing Law PP

At the same time, the PP leader announced that the PP would also soon present a housing law to Parliament. “Resounding failure” of the PSOE in this matter. “It is no coincidence that today the second problem of Spaniards is that of housing, after six years of far-left policies carried out by the Socialist Party and its partners,” said Muñoz, explaining that “control prices has solved absolutely nothing.

He further regretted that the Government supports illegal occupations – which have increased by 39% in recent years – and measures that strangle the market, does not promote rent and attack “small owners who, with the effort of their lives, have purchased a second home which can now help them supplement their retirement,” he added.

“We are witnessing a direct attack on all measures that can benefit housing,” Muñoz said, questioning the promises made by Pedro Sánchez. in all electoral campaignslike the construction of “thousands of housing” which led to “absolutely nothing”, he denounced.

“There is none of all the housing that he promised to build and, therefore, the People’s Party is obliged to present a serious and rigorous law to resolve this problem that affects so many hundreds of thousands of people in our country,” Muñoz emphasized.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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