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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo will extend paternity leave for single-parent families up to 26 weeks

Feijóo will extend paternity leave for single-parent families up to 26 weeks

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Nuñez Feijóopresented a series of proposals aimed at improving family conciliation and support for families, with a particular emphasis on single-parent families. As part of these measures, as announced this Saturday Zaragozaproposed extending paternity leave to 26 weeks for single parents. In addition, it is a question of assimilating the recognition of families single parent with the manygranting them a similar title that would allow them access to additional benefits.

Feijóo stressed that these measures respond to the urgent need to address conciliation in Spain, an issue that he considers essential to improve people’s quality of life. working families. It is for this reason that he forbade her being relieved of 16 to 20 weeks paternity leave, and that this reaches 26 years in the case of single parents.

“There are different types of families and that is why all families have their place in our party, because we are a popular party. In the case of single-parent families, we are committed to increasing permits up to 26 weeks”, declared the leader of the PP, calling that measures like this are part of “useful policy” that seeks “solutions to problems.”

Despite the criticism received from certain sectors, the popular leader has made it clear that his party is committed to speaking out “serious and rigorous” on these issues, rejecting any attempt to silence debate on issues relevant to society.

During an event in Zaragoza, Feijóo positioned the Popular Party as a “serious and responsible alternative” against the current government, which he accuses of being unsustainable and of putting the interests of its partners before the real needs of the country. According to Feijóo, his formation is willing to propose solutions that benefit families and promote a more just and equitable environment, with proposals that seek consensus and a practical approach for common well-being.

No more deductions

FeijooIn addition, he quantified the deduction for families per dependent child that his government would implement at 1,800 euros per year in the event that the current leader of the opposition arrives in Moncloa. This was stated this Friday in press statements in Barcelona with the leader of the popular the Catalans, Alexandre Fernándezafter a visit to the Association of Large Families of Catalonia in Barcelona.

In this way, Feijóo emphasized that his executive would increase by up to 50% the deduction for dependent children that the government of José María Aznar approved “25 years ago” and set at 1,200 euros per year (100 euros per month). Since the former leader of the PP and current president of the FAES undertook this reform in 1999, it has not been modified since. Only the executive of Mariano Rajoy (PP) established a deduction for childcare expenses.

At the same time, Feijóo also announced measures in favor of large families, such as “protecting by law” the bonus of up to 45% of Social Security expenses for having family helpersor the possibility of continuing to maintain the status of a large family when the father and mother have entered a situation of joint custody. Concerning single-parent families, the leader of the PP declared that he would soon detail his proposals. In the meantime, it is expected that next week the PP will register in the Congress of Deputies a Conciliation bill proposal which brings together all these measures, which cover the social, labor, economic and fiscal areas.

free daycare

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, wants to extend the free daycare (whether public, private or social initiative) which he promoted as a pioneer at the head of the County of Galicia. On the other hand, the government of Pedro Sánchez not only turns a deaf ear to this proposal, but also subsidizes up to 400 euros a private service of this type intended for ministry staff, which also finances part of it.

In fact, the Ministry of Inclusion, social security and migration just bid half a million euros a contract – to which OKDIARIO has subscribed – having the subject: “Educational service of the Early Childhood Education School located in the Calle José Abascal nº 39 in Madridheadquarters of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, by open procedure, with urgent processing of the file for a period of 24 months, extendable up to 24 months.

In this case, the Government has calculated a maximum amount per student which reaches 599.31 euros per month. With 56 students, the annual amount (11 months) of the service amounts to 252,134.96 euros. The duration being two years, the amount of the call for tenders has therefore doubled: 504,269.92 euros.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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