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finance committee proposes revised revenue version

Huge flaws. After three days of debates in the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Michel Barnier’s government has discovered a worrying observation. The 2025 budget does not satisfy either the left or the far right, and the groups in the government coalition have dissociated themselves from the budget decisions of their Prime Minister, preferring to play their own role.

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Without a majority in the Assembly, Matignon’s tenant can only observe the regular collapse of the first part of the finance bill (PLF) on revenues. The vaunted balance sheet, with 60 billion euros in savings, including 20 billion in new revenue coming mainly from temporary tax increases to contain the deficit, remained inaudible to MPs.

The president of the finance commission of La France Insoumise (LFI), Eric Coquerel, demanded a budget on Friday “PFN [Nouveau Front populaire]-compatible “ with the creation of more than 55 billion euros of additional income, according to him. Profits obtained thanks to dozens of amendments that introduce tax levies on large companies and large fortunes, aimed at capital and property income. These amendments were adopted by heterogeneous and random alliances, which brought together deputies from the left, the National Rally (RN), Liberties, Independents, Territories and Overseas (LIOT), the MoDem and even the Republicans.

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Approved a tax on “super profits”

Since the start of the PLF review on Wednesday, the finance commissioners have shaken the main reference points of the Bercy budget. They perpetuated the contribution to high incomes, increased the “fixed tax” from 30% to 33% on capital income, before adopting a modification on the taxation of “super dividends” identical to the one voted by the deputies in 2022, finally discarded due to the use of article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows a text to be adopted without a vote.

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The next day, the deputies rejected en bloc, in the name of defending the middle classes, the increase in the tax on electricity, which would mean 3,000 million euros for the State, the increase in the fine on automobiles and the increase in the taxes. for gas boilers. The “exit tax”, another tax that aims to limit fiscal exile, has been reinforced, while the Macronist majority had restricted it, upon arrival, to create greater economic attractiveness.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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