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Find out which rugs are right for you and which ones you should throw away

THE Small living rooms can also be warm and comfortable with the arrival of a rug that enhances the room. Now that the cold weather is coming and we may want to start enjoying the warmth we receive at home with some elements that we recover, such as rugs, we can think about decorating our home in the best possible way. Not all rugs are what we want, nor can they be the centerpiece of a living room. Experts are very clear about which one to choose.

In this case, size matters, as does the color and texture that adapt wonderfully to our home and living room. Now that the cold is in a few weeks and we are beginning to see a change in the weather cycle, we can choose the ones that best suit our pocket and style. We suggest which rugs you should choose and which ones you should not choose, if you have a small living room. If it is large, anything goes, but when the space is small, we must be very careful and choose the one that best suits our needs.

Small living rooms should not have these rugs.

Prepare the meter and measure the space you have. It is important to choose a square or circle that matches the living room table and part of the sofa. If you extend further and depending on the type of rug you want to lay, you will get a look that can really reduce the room.

If, on the contrary, you want to enlarge it, opt for the piece that fits a small corner. Also opt for small furniture and a neutral color that matches them, you can create a color pattern, accompanying the sofa, with some printed cushions, everything can change for the better.

You The carpet should not have large print.In general, you can opt for a print with a small pattern. This will be the way you will get the desired finish with the least possible effort. In this way, you will get a finish 10 in every way, you will just have to prepare yourself to face the winter with the maximum possible warmth.

Also forget about shag rugs, they can be problematic, especially if you want to achieve warmth but also brightness. Regardless of their color, they tend to fill the space.

These rugs are the ones you should choose

Round rugs can help you gain square meters in the living room, they are great allies of a very retro style that is very appreciated and that could end up being what you need. Especially in our times, the round is an option that, according to Feng Shui, significantly improves the flow of energy.

On the other hand, you can also put a rug made of natural fibers, which is one of the most worn elements and can be the one that makes an important difference. It is time to think about this type of natural detail that will surely give us more than an unexpected joy.

It’s time to brighten up the floor with bright colors. Darker colors are usually the norm, so if you want to warm up the space, put a rug in a color several shades warmer than the floor. The difference will be noticeable and you will be able to see how your floor takes on importance in a way you didn’t expect.

Avoid having very marked patterns or reliefs.This can be what makes your living room look smaller. It will give too much importance to a room that should go as unnoticed as possible. Getting what we want in an essential way. Choose a rug that is as basic as possible to fulfill a function that will end up being essential.

In this way, you will be able to get the living room of your dreams, leaving aside any element that ends up causing problems. The main thing is to make your home bigger and brighter. We are preparing to spend more time at home, taking into account that with a carpet we will gain warmth that perhaps we had not been able to put into practice until now.

If you are thinking of looking for a series of fundamental details, do not hesitate, now is the time to do it. It is time to prepare to be able to put into practice some elements that perhaps we had not taken into account until now. Note the space that your carpet should occupy, the proportional part between the coffee table and the sofa, that is, the space in which you can actually walk on it and enjoy that comfort.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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