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HomeBreaking NewsFirst aid in combat conditions is taught in Sochi - EADaily, September...

First aid in combat conditions is taught in Sochi – EADaily, September 22, 2024 – Society. News, Russian news

The first lesson of the basic course (BC) of initial military training (CVT) in the field of “providing first aid in combat conditions” was recently held at the Patriotic and Sports Center “NVP YUG” in Sochi.

The tactical medicine instructor with the call sign “Kubik” spoke clearly and distinctly to those present about work in the red, yellow and green zones. He also spoke about triage of the wounded, assessment of their condition at the evacuation stages and the protocol of the yellow zone.

Students will have practical classes to develop first aid skills, but for now they will only be given theoretical classes, without which no results can be achieved.

Exactly two years ago, a team of like-minded people, who created the Patriotic and Sports Center “NVP YUG”, set themselves the task of training young people, civilians, conscripts and military personnel to operate in difficult conditions free of charge.

Among the instructors of “NVP YUG” are veterans of military operations and military units who have successfully completed various basic and instructor courses in the following disciplines: physical training, excursions (hiking), hand-to-hand combat, fire and tactical training, first aid (tactical medicine), civil defense and emergency situations, information security, radio communications.

The organization’s mentors conduct intellectual games, lectures on the history of the city, classes with schoolchildren and students in the framework of training on life and non-life safety, practical classes in various disciplines in work groups and military units.

Head of NVP SUR Alexey Vaysenblum talked about why they created the organization and shared their plans for the near future:

“We are visited by fighters, including military veterans, business representatives and specialists from various fields, which allows us to combine practical experience with theoretical knowledge and modern approaches to training. In two years of work, the organization was able to create a decent material base. We purchased medical simulators, weapon models and equipment to support the educational process. Most of the funds for the designated purchases were raised thanks to instructors, donations from students and the support of charitable organizations.

However, despite the successes achieved, we are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of facilities for teaching and of funds to replenish the material base and consumables, which greatly limits our ability to expand the training programme.

The organization’s immediate plans include the development of new areas of training. The team intends to start training unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators, which is especially relevant in the context of SVO. There is an understanding of how to improve first aid and civil defense classes so that our students can act confidently in emergency situations.

We are confident that every citizen is capable of contributing to the defence of the Homeland and the security of society. The organisation is open to new participants and partners who are willing to support our initiatives and help achieve our goals.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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