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HomeLatest NewsFishermen oppose Ribera's latest decree on wind energy

Fishermen oppose Ribera’s latest decree on wind energy

THE fishermen They explode against the latest decree of the Minister of Ecological Transition, Therese Riberapublished this Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on the implementation of offshore wind in Spain. Sea workers, who put politics before the Constitutional Court For this question, they consider that the socialist “is a mad race to skip all environmental precautions and the necessary weighing of socio-economic impacts on the” fishing sectorSeveral people concerned consulted by OKDIARIO stress that the way the government wants to establish the factories on the Spanish coast will “destroy” their economic activity.

Thus, the Platform for the Defense of Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems responded to the minister this Wednesday, explaining that it had given “the starting gun for the installation of offshore wind farms in our rich and sensitive seas”, which was done, according to them, in a “very negative” manner.

The Platform had requested the suspension of Ribera’s latest decree on offshore wind because it believes that “the scientific information” that the minister should have transmitted to the Spanish Oceanographic Institute.

This information that the fishermen are demanding is nothing other than an analysis “on the possibilities impacts on marine ecosystems and in the fishing sector in the event of the construction of such installations in one of the 19 areas declared as potential for these industries by the Marine spatial management plans“.

Fishermen explode against Ribera

“This process is not paralyzed, and far from it, the government is embarking on a frantic race so that, bypassing all environmental precautions and the necessary weighing of socio-economic impacts on the sector that would be most affected, the fishing sector, it is implemented urgently and without guarantees of protection of our ecosystems “marine and the safeguarding of our fishing sector,” deplore the sea workers.

The sector also accuses the minister of excluding scientists from the Oceanographic Institute from the commission responsible for evaluating projects to implement this infrastructure. This and other issues represent, for them, proof that “this royal decree was issued to the Minister of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge by the entrance hall offshore wind power, the minister renouncing to defend the general interest under the pretext of the energy transition and the fight against climate change“.

In addition, the fishermen are surprised by the fact that the environmentalist Ribera has designed a concession system in which they are weighted at 70% “purely economic criteria“, they therefore ask for “greater weighting of environmental criteria”.

A fishing boat.

For all this, the fishermen explode against Ribera: “We also remember that the future commissioner is taking the plunge Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic of 1992 which obliges Spain to adopt preventive measures when there are reasonable grounds to believe that energy industries directly or indirectly, may interfere with other uses of the sea and harm marine ecosystems.

In short, sailors consider the new decree to be “A crush to marine ecosystems, left totally defenseless, a direct attack to Spanish fishing, and a I despise our scientists that they have already informed the Ministry of the signs of possible impacts of these industries on marine ecosystems and that they are conducting studies on how these installations could affect ecosystems and actions fishing vessels present in areas reserved for offshore wind power in Spain.

Ribera at the Constitutional

The fishermen asked for a call for protection before the Constitutional Court to rule on Supreme on the implementation of offshore wind energy in Spain that the minister wants to make. In the opinion of the said association, the decision of the Supreme Court has caused “legal impotence“by not having “all the means of proof which would prove the violation of the precautionary principle implied in the approval of the POEM”.

“Our test report had requested information on the impact on fishing areas, impact on the bonito, sardine, mackerel, anchovy campaign, that these installations can have with their noise, vibrations, changes in currents, electromagnetic energies from the cables and others,” they stressed in a statement, adding that documents were also requested on the actions present in the areas that will host offshore wind farms.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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