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five ideas to include it in your dishes as a source of protein

It’s called cheese cottage because it was easy to do in rural homes –chalets– milk remaining after preparing the butter.

It is a particularly interesting dairy product for those who practice sports, are very hungry or are looking for a calcium supplement, since it is a low-calorie cheese rich in proteins and minerals. It contains 80 calories per 100 grams and 1.5 grams of fat for the same amount. Containing whey and casein, a slowly digestible protein, it helps you feel full for longer. In addition, it provides selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and contains a good proportion of Omega 3 and 6. It also highlights the contributions of vitamin A, essential for the skin, and vitamin B.

However, its benefits are multiple. Its high protein content helps reduce the need to overeat between meals. It also helps regulate blood sugar. Selenium, for its part, is rich in antioxidants and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune and hormonal systems.

As a source of vitamins, it is essential for brain function and metabolic control, while it is beneficial for diabetics and helps reduce cholesterol. Its calcium and phosphorus content strengthens bones, increasing their resistance and long-term maintenance. The presence of potassium in cheese cottage It promotes relaxation of blood vessels, facilitates blood circulation and prevents hypertension.

Similar to ricotta

The cheese cottage It has gained importance in the kitchen along with other fresh cheeses, such as fromage blanc, fromage blanc, ricotta, mozzarella, burrata or the more compact generic fromage frais. They all share a mild flavor and milky aroma. Since they are neither stored nor matured, they are a more perishable product and must always be well packaged and refrigerated.

The fresh cheese that most resembles it is ricotta. The cheese cottage It became fashionable five decades after being a staple in the kitchen of the seventies, both for its nutritional properties and its ability to accompany everything from morning toast to a garnish of green sprouts.

Unlike ricotta, in which coagulation occurs in combination with temperature, in the case of cheese cottage This coagulation is done naturally by lactic bacteria.

Although it can be easily found in any store or supermarket, cheese cottage It can also be made at home, in an artisanal way.

The enzymes in rennet break down milk proteins, producing coagulation, creating curds and solid clots. Elastic in texture, these clots can be cut and manipulated depending on the cheese being made: they can separate partially or completely from the whey.

How to prepare cheese cottage House

Making cheese cottage homemade you have to heat two liters of whole milk in a saucepan over medium heat. When it reaches 50ºC, remove it and add about 70 milliliters of white wine vinegar. Stir gently until the whey begins to separate. Cover the pot and let it rest for half an hour.

The mixture is then passed through a fine sieve, with a large bowl underneath, into which the liquid will fall. It is then rinsed with cold water. Finally, drain as much as possible and put the solids in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and stir, separating the solid curd into small pieces by hand. The last thing is to save the cheese cottage in an airtight container and refrigerate.

It is a dairy product that contains more liquid than soft or matured cheeses, and also less sodium than highly matured cheeses. It is a very satiating and easily digestible food, so it is suitable for people with lactose intolerance or mild sensitivity.

How to use it in cooking

One of the uses given to cheese cottage is to make it an alternative to yogurt. In this way, it is consumed directly by the spoonful and can be combined with multiple products, such as fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, compotes, syrups or honey.

Thanks to its neutral flavor and thick grainy texture, it is perfect for spreading slices of bread with different toppings and preparing an exquisite toast. In Europe it is very common to consume it for breakfast or lunch and you can add pickles, hard-boiled eggs, avocado, smoked salmon or sausage loin.

It can also be combined with vinaigrettes and provide a creamy touch to various salads, such as fruit salads, and fillings for sandwiches and sandwiches, or to create sauces that accompany meats, fish or pasta. Another use that can be given to this fresh cheese is to replace white cheese and ricotta in dishes such as lasagna, cannelloni or fillings for quiches or puff pastries.

This fresh cheese is a great substitute for mayonnaise in dishes such as stuffed eggs, to lighten a Russian salad or a German potato salad.

Another classic combination is eggs in all their forms: omelettes, scrambled eggs or soufflés.

Likewise, it is a very versatile ingredient in desserts. There are many traditional recipes in Europe that use cheese cottage in sweet bakery and pastry doughs, as a filling, as an accompaniment or incorporated into the dough itself. Pies or cheesecakes are popular. cottagewith a less creamy texture than a cheesecake.

Finally, it can be added integrated into pancake batters, waffles, muffins, biscuits, cakes, puddings, brownie or donuts.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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