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HomeEntertainment NewsFive theme parks to visit with the family throughout France

Five theme parks to visit with the family throughout France

If roller coasters at amusement parks lift your heart, you can take your children to visit theme parks so they can discover other sensations. From Charente-Maritime to Auvergne via Yvelines, follow the guide to become a puzzle expert, learn more about plants, volcanoes and dinosaurs and discover France in a model.

Miniature France, to walk on France

A park that allows children to review geography, what more could you ask for? In Yvelines, France Miniature has reproduced 117 famous French monuments at 1/30 scalemy. Although some models deserve a renovation, all are worth a visit, such as Mont-Saint-Michel, the town of Savoy typical, the Palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower or the port of Saint-Tropez. Some are even accompanied by a commentary by Stéphane Bern. The miniature trains, which run on 4 kilometers of tiny rails, are a big hit with the little ones. Without forgetting the twenty attractions to entertain you.

France Miniature, boulevard André-Malraux, in Elancourt (Yvelines). Prices: €22 for a child from 4 to 12 years old, €28 for an adult. Park open from late March to early November.

Terra Botanica, to explore the world of plants

In Angers, Terra Botanica is a park dedicated to plants and biodiversity, and is divided into five different universes, spread over 20 hectares: unusual plants (carnivorous plants); major explorations (butterfly greenhouse and tropical greenhouse); to the origins of life (oldest plants), a getaway to Anjou (rose garden) and, the latest addition, the mysteries of the forest (journey among the trees). Each world has different attractions, games and entertainment. There are shows: a one-hour night show, a fifteen-minute magic show and one that is unanimously acclaimed, the explosive garden, also fifteen minutes long.

Terra Botanica, spinach route, in Angers. Prices: €18 for a child from 3 to 17 years old, €24 for an adult. Park open from late March to early November.

Vulcania, to reach the summits

Twenty minutes from Clermont-Ferrand, Vulcania is the gateway to the world of volcanoes, with scientific activities (on the volcanoes of Auvergne, the professions of astronaut and volcanologist, natural phenomena, the Sun or the Earth), sensational dynamic animations and immersion (Namazu, a roller coaster, is the protagonist) and movies on giant screens (Looking at the volcanoes, Hurricane EITHER Vulcania Missionfor the little ones). The highlight is the largest planetarium in France, with shows and films.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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