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HomeBreaking NewsFlores, Vox MP convicted of mistreatment, finalist in equality story contest

Flores, Vox MP convicted of mistreatment, finalist in equality story contest

The national deputy of Voice Carlos Flores Juberiasconvicted in 2002 of domestic violence against his ex-wife, was a finalist in the equality story competition Beatriu Civerapromoted by the City of Valencia.

As reported by the municipal group Compromís, the story of Flores Juberías is included in the book published by the Department of Equality, headed by the councilor Rocio Gilwhich brings together the winning texts, with those of all the finalists, five in each of the two categories.

It is worth remembering that Flores Juberías was a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat. In the negotiations with the PP, Carlos Mazón managed to get Vox not to impose him as a member of the Valencian government and send him to Congress. He was at the top of the list for the general elections urgently called by Pedro Sanchez.

The spokesperson for Compromís, Papi Roblessaid on Thursday that it is “very serious” that the mayor, María José Catalá, “publishes, in a story contest on equality, a text by a famous Vox deputy found guilty of mistreating his wife.”

In response to the criticism, municipal sources indicated that, in accordance with the established bases, the jury of the Beatriu Civera awards is composed of four members “respecting criteria of parity and diversity, among whom were researchers, journalists, linguists and writers”. “. It is therefore, they emphasize, “an independent jury”.

They also remember that all the works They introduced themselves under a pseudonym and, therefore, the jury “did not know the identity of the authors.” “As the regulations have established since 2017, the quality of the works is evaluated anonymously during the competition,” the same sources point out, adding that “all scenarios regarding the publication of the text will be studied legally, taking into account the “reports” of the bases summoned by the previous government team.

But for Robles, “it is the greatest shame to which Valencians can be subjected.” “The insensitivity, cynicism and contempt that Catalá repeatedly shows in a subject as serious as gender equality are intolerable and constitute a real scandal,” he added.

Compromís asked the first mayor to stop publishing this book that is published on the day of the awards ceremony, a request that the PSPV also made to the city hall. Thus, Papi Robles demanded that “public money not be used to whitewash an aggressor.”

“Operation Mocking”

“This is a mocking operation aimed at discrediting these awards that highlight values ​​such as feminism and overcoming gender stereotypes,” added the Compromís spokesperson.

This municipal group also requested access to the “bases of the awards, the minutes of the jury and the file to know the details that led Catalá to reward the deputy of Vox, the ultra party with which he governs in the city council.”

Also from PSPV your spokesperson, Borja Sanjuanrequested that Catalá not publish Flores’ book and announced that he would request it at the Board of Directors this Friday. In addition, he demands the cessation of Rocío Gil’s powers in matters of equality.

“This is the umpteenth mockery and provocation that María José Catalá authorizes the extreme right against women and, more specifically, against victims of sexist violence,” denounced Sanjuán.

He also regretted that a first adviser “allows that in certain equality prizes, not only the aggressor is rewarded, but also the person who denies gender-based violence and that she also devotes her daily political life to fighting against women’s rights, makes her unworthy of the position she holds.

Sanjuán regretted that the equality councilor “knew the result of the deliberation as president of the jury and said absolutely nothing.”

“We hope that Catalá and Gil apologize publicly for having consented to these mockeries towards the victims of gender violence and for the cowardice they have in the face of these ultras that they allow to mark the history and events of this city against women,” he stressed.




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