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Follow the reactions the day after the Barnier government’s announcement

Following Annie Genevard’s appointment, agricultural unions call on the government to make agriculture a “priority”

The majority union alliance in agriculture, FNSEA and Young Farmers (JA), wants the new minister, Annie Genevard, to carry out “first emergency financial measures”, following poor harvests and diseases that cause damage to livestock.

In a press release, the unions “Congratulate Annie Genevard on her appointment”. “His political experience and his good knowledge of the rural environment will be advantages for a good understanding of the issues and the urgent responses that must be given to farmers”estimate.

FNSEA and JA call for a new government “make agriculture a priority to appease the growing anger and incomprehension of farmers, disappointed by unfulfilled commitments following last winter’s protests”.

“Emergency financial measures will need to be taken in the very short term in response to unprecedented losses related to poor harvests and health crises”say organizations allied to professional elections.

The unions are waiting “a real compensation plan for direct and indirect losses related to the disease”. Faced with crop losses affecting cereal growers and winegrowers, they ask the State to “facilitate access to cash loans by allowing rate reductions and providing a public guarantee”.

In the medium term, the organisations stress, it is crucial to relaunch the parliamentary work suspended after the dissolution in order to implement the actions necessary to save French agriculture.

Rural Coordination, the second representative organization of the profession, congratulated the new minister in CNews: “We will trust her, she knows that she is expected”declared its president, Véronique Le Floc’h.

“The problems have not been resolved, others have been added to the already long list. (…) The treasuries are dry, young people postpone their installations due to lack of visibility”the breeder stressed. “In order to establish yourself, you need income, (…) Those who leave must be able to live with a decent retirement”he stressed.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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