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HomeEntertainment NewsFollowing attack on US diplomatic centre, US accuses pro-Iranian armed groups

Following attack on US diplomatic centre, US accuses pro-Iranian armed groups

The US embassy in Iraq accused on Friday, September 13 “Iranian allied militias” be responsible for a ” stroke “ against a US diplomatic center at Baghdad International Airport. The attack on the Diplomatic Support Center on Tuesday night caused no casualties. Located within the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport but attached to the US Embassy, ​​this “American diplomatic facility” provides logistical support and, in particular, hosts medical services.

“The evidence shows that the attack was launched by militias allied to Iran, which operate freely in Iraq.”According to a statement sent to the media by the US embassy in Baghdad, after the attack, a senior Iraqi security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, spoke of two shots being fired. “Katyusha-type rockets”.

The attack came against a tense regional backdrop of the war in Gaza, just hours before Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian is due to visit Baghdad, and as Baghdad and Washington are negotiating Iraq’s withdrawal from an international anti-jihadist coalition led by Washington. As part of this arrangement, US soldiers are stationed in the country.

“Right to self-defense”

“The Iraqi government has repeatedly committed to protecting U.S. diplomatic missions and military personnel present in the country upon invitation.” authorities, recalls the press release from the US embassy. “We once again call on the Iraqi government, as we have done on numerous occasions, to protect diplomatic personnel and facilities”The press release continues, adding: “We reserve the right to self-defense to protect our staff, anywhere in the world.”

In late 2023, dozens of drone and rocket attacks targeted the international coalition in Iraq and Syria, claimed by pro-Iranian armed groups who say they are acting in solidarity with Gaza and demanding the withdrawal of foreign troops. However, following the incident on Tuesday afternoon, an influential pro-Iranian armed group, the Hezbollah Brigades, criticized a ” stroke “ intended, according to him, for “Iranian President’s visit to Baghdad is confusing”A military spokesman for the group asked Iraqi security services to identify the individuals. “involved”.

Read also | US announces killing 15 Islamic State fighters in Iraq

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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