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Following the first Council of Ministers meeting on Monday, a government seminar will be held on Friday.

In his debut as Minister of Public Administration, Guillaume Kasbarian promises to “de-bureaucratize”

“Debureaucratize at all levels” :The newly appointed Minister for the Civil Service and for the Simplification and Transformation of Public Action, Guillaume Kasbarian, signed a resounding presentation on Monday that immediately aroused the distrust of the unions. “We must free the French from the burden of administrative procedures”“The former Minister of Housing said in Paris, on the occasion of the handover ceremony with his predecessor, Stanislas Guerini.

Guillaume Kasbarian took up Article 15 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, according to which “Society has the right to demand accountability from any public agent of its administration.” This choice is not to the liking of Mylène Jacquot, Secretary General of the CFDT-Civil Services: “We cannot oppose users” to the 5.7 million public employees, he argued.

There “simplification (…) should never be at the expense of the quality of public service”Guillaume Kasbarian stressed, assuring that he sets the objective of “make life easier for the French and civil servants”In a press release published on Sunday, the Solidaires-Servicios Públicos union, the sixth largest public servants’ union, expressed concern about the addition of the word “simplification” to the ministry’s title: “Everyone knows that the term corresponds to the desire to reduce the number of civil servants and degrade the quality of public service. »

The minister also welcomed the reform on Monday “ambitious” prepared by his predecessor, without specifying the future of the civil service. Frozen by the dissolution of the Assembly, this bill, heavily criticised by the unions, planned to increase merit-based remuneration, facilitate dismissals and even eliminate the historical system of categories (A, B and C) in the civil service.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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