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HomeTop StoriesFoment asks Brussels to avoid trade war with China

Foment asks Brussels to avoid trade war with China

EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles due to shipping practices dumping met with a response from Beijing, which opened investigations into pork, the dairy sector and Brandy European. The response warned the Spanish pork sector, which would be seriously affected if Xi Jinping’s executive chose to impose additional customs duties. At this point, the Catalan employers’ association Foment del Treball calls avoid a trade war with the Asian giant.

On a visit to Brussels, the president of the employers’ association, Josep Sánchez Llibre, warned of the risk of an intensification of trade tensions with Beijing. China is one of the main export markets for Spanish pork, with a value greater than 1,183 million euros in 2023.

Pork sales to the Asian giant represent 20% of Spanish sectoral exports. The president of Foment estimated that the increase in customs tariffs by China, up to 10 euros per pig, could lead to losses of 500 million euros per year for the sector. A threat that would affect 115,000 jobs in Spain that depend on this sector.

Energy, technology and textiles are the sectors that would be most affected. due to a tension in relations with the Asian giant, according to the president of Foment. Other segments that are suffering such repercussions are financial services, automotive, tourism or telecommunications. Companies are worried about the possible implications of the definitive implementation of additional customs duties of up to 36% on imports of Chinese electric cars by Brussels, warns the employers’ association.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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