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HomeEntertainment NewsFor Eric Zemmour, the return to school seems like a political sunset

For Eric Zemmour, the return to school seems like a political sunset

Eric Zemmour no longer wants to enter politics. Discredited by electoral setbacks, abandoned by almost all his elected officials, marginalized by the monopoly of the far-right National Rally (RN), denied by the return to the forefront of the right-wing party Les Républicains (LR), the party of former journalist of Figaro He admitted that, for him, the ” policy [était] dead “Saturday 7 September in Orange (Vaucluse), at the end of a summer university that looks like a grotesque twilight.

Eric Zemmour no longer wants to be in politics, but because he believes he is more right than ever, Eric Zemmour is still in politics… to rid the country of them from now on. is new “program”erected in “Copernican Revolution” : “We are going to show that it is not France that should revolve around politics, but politics that should revolve around France.” As each election reduces him to the rank of radical polemicist and removes him from power, the sexagenarian decided to wage war against the environment he dreamed of dominating in 2022 during the presidential elections.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Marion Maréchal and the Zemmourists in the reconstruction phase after the European split

In a halting speech to little more than applause, the essayist on identity delivered a long and paradoxical plea against “policy”He who found it everywhere no longer wants to see it anywhere. “We must wrest our families, our businesses, our culture, our intelligence and even our religions from the clutches of the parties, because they even interfere with our religions.”challenged the man who founded his commitment and his party against Islam.

Not by chance, the self-proclaimed enemy of the ballot boxes bases his ” revolution “ When I read another survey this summer that reported the distrust of the French “missing”. A blessing and an admission of failure. “Are we the spokespersons for those who have understood that, in order to stop losing everything, we must change the rules of the game?”he asked, without generating the enthusiasm he expected.

The guests are half of last year’s

It’s hard to get excited about analysis. “anti-political” the 1,800 people who, under the evader, dreamed rather of protests against immigration and the RN: the two unshakeable obsessions of the faithful Zemmourists. “Marine Le Pen is not defending France: she is too sociable and refuses to really prevent immigration. We have no other choice: we must accept foreigners little by little, choosing between scientists or engineers.”She plays Gloria (who did not want to give her name), a 60-year-old stay-at-home mother born in Santo Domingo. Near the stand offering the works of Renaud Camus, promoter of the racist and conspiracy theory of the “great substitute”, two men are offended that pork gelatin might one day disappear from the composition of French sweets under the government of the “all halal”. So many activists who, in order to keep their militant flame alive, had to settle for the heterogeneous programming of the day.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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