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HomeEntertainment NewsFor his general policy speech, Michel Barnier in a thread

For his general policy speech, Michel Barnier in a thread

Michel Barnier searches for the right words. Those who, he believes, will correspond to the seriousness of the situation. This Sunday, September 29, on the first floor of the Hôtel de Matignon, sitting behind Léon Blum’s Louis XV desk, the Prime Minister retouches his speech peppered with references to his hero, General De Gaulle.

Read also | Live, Barnier government: the Prime Minister will not seek a vote of confidence after his general policy statement on Tuesday

In less than forty-eight hours, the 1Ahem In October, the 73-year-old former European commissioner should take to the arena to deliver his general policy statement from the podium of the National Assembly. Head of a government without a majority, he knows his delicate mission. The extreme right maintains it “under surveillance” and the elected representatives of the left, furious at the appointment of the member of the Republicans (LR), without respecting in their eyes the result of the legislative elections of July 7 that put the Nouveau Font populaire alliance at the head, promised He censures her. “I act under the control of Parliament and it is he who will have the key for the Government to endure”admits Matignon’s tenant in an interview with Saône-et-Loire Diary published on Friday, September 27.

Throughout the week, Gabriel Attal’s successor listened to everyone, group leaders in the Assembly, union representatives, ministers… to hear their ideas and build his general political statement. But what will he remember? Since his arrival on rue de Varenne, the head of government has not said anything and has carefully avoided revealing himself. His supporters, in LR, in the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI), in Renaissance, in MoDem and in Horizons, urge him to clarify his line. But how far can it go? No “coalition pact” has been signed to seal the agreements and priorities of these parties, allies of circumstances, with divergent ideologies. “Michel Barnier only needs to say one word to awaken all the fantasies. It’s like the Andros Trophy [ancien championnat de course]. We drive on ice, road trips are fast.”observes Hervé Marseille, senator from Hauts-de-Seine and president of the UDI.

“Tax relief”

The issue of tax increases, raised by the Prime Minister to clean up public accounts, is already irritating Macronie. In a text published by Sunday’s TribuneOn September 29, twenty-seven elected Together for the Republic (EPR), Among them, the former minister responsible for equality between women and men, Aurore Bergé, or Sylvain Maillard, former head of the Macronist deputies, thunder against an initiative. “inconceivable” which would consist of “give up fiscal stability” implemented for seven years. “Social justice cannot be the pretext for tax relief”they write. The same day, from Tourcoing (North), where he was orchestrating his political return, the former Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin insisted: “I know that many of us will not be able to support a government that raises taxes”, he proclaims, appearing to speak on behalf of all EPR elected officials.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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