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HomeBreaking News“For Japanese women, aged skin is skin that has spots, not wrinkles”

“For Japanese women, aged skin is skin that has spots, not wrinkles”

“I find beauty in unusual things, like sticking my head out a window or sitting on a fire escape.” With this quote from Scarlett Johansson, Cruz Sánchez de Lara, vice president of EL ESPAÑOL and editor-in-chief of Magas and Enclave ODS, began, together with Charo Izquierdo, director of Enclave ODS, a new chapter of the podcast Get ready, we’re leaving.

The guest is Ainhara Vinaras (Madrid, 1972), a reference in the beauty sector for having held the position of General Manager of the Prestige Division of the Shiseido Group. And even if she doesn’t have the chance to meet Scarlett Johansson in person, she is aware of how care and beauty are an integral part of the DNA of Japanese culture, which inspires the company she runs. “Finding beauty in small details is intrinsic to Japanese culture” he confesses in this introduction.

“When we arrived in Japan, we are an elephant in a china shop. If they don’t explain all the details, you don’t understand anything” and this is due to the subtlety and symbology that exists there, the guest explains.

Cruz Sánchez de Lara leads the conversation and recalls the moment Shiseido invited her to a photoshoot: “It was the biggest compliment.” “You are wonderful, beautiful and also a spectacular person,” he praises You will vineyardWHO admits his support for beauty senior.

This particular subtlety, this attention to detail, leads us to idealize Japanese beauty and these Japanese leathers which “age differently from ours”, but which also lead them to take better care of themselves, as Ainhara Viñarás explains. “For the Japanese aged skin is skin with spotsit is not wrinkled or sagging skin.

Cruz Sánchez de Lara, Ainhara Vinarás and Charo Izquierdo

Esteban Palazuelos

In this culture where Shiseido was born, “beauty is part of everything. There is an immense sensitivity to beauty, not only to the aesthetic beauty of the skin, but also to the beauty of objects. » And in this interesting point that the guest highlights, the notion of design comes into play. Kansei.

“HAS“People use this technique in their products” as well as the company run by Viñarás when creating the containers, taking special care to make them nice and easy to handle. They pay as much attention to it as to their formulas and to the sensoriality of the same, which is also very studied.

With this revelation, Ainhara Viñarás specifies that cosmetics are not something frivolous or hollow, quite the contrary: these are hours of research, innovation and training. The same thing that new generations need before doing crazy things, there are more and more girls signing up for boom facial care and makeup. “I’ve never seen a professional makeup artist use so many products and so many layers,” says Viñarás. “We had to communicate via social media that our retinol products cannot be used by children under 13.”

“You don’t need everything for almost nothing in life,” Cruz Sánchez de Lara reflects out loud about these confessions. Without missing an opportunity, he emphasizes the importance of research: “how do creams influence your daily life?” “We were the first to manufacture biohyaluronic acid“, proudly recognizes the guest.

Get ready, we’re leaving with Ainhara Viñarás

Esteban Palazuelos

I defend unique beauty“, says Viñarás when asked about the aesthetic imprint that we see in today’s faces. A surprising fact that occurs at a time when personalization is at its most relevant. “These faces, all the same, with this imprint that “We don’t even though I know how they are, it doesn’t seem pretty to me.

With a reference like Ainhara in front of him, Sánchez de Lara does not miss the opportunity to put his knowledge to good use and asks him questions about a care routine, Yes, easy to do and remember because “this influencer thing with 200 products, it seems to me that it is not sustainable, that it is very expensive”. Double cleansing, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen with the bases to highlight, but the serum “is the specific medicine for a need” and with it we get to work on a specific aspect of the skin.

How sustainable is all this? Charo Izquierdo brings his particular interest in the environment: “I was very impressed when I went to see Ulé’s vertical crops“It seemed revolutionary to me that in one room you could grow all the raw materials you need.” Ainhara Viñarás, who is also co-creator of this brand, recognizes the great technological advance that this way of cultivation represents: “In a circuit of 340 kilometers, we cultivate the ingredients, we package, we formulate, we have our logistics center. ” “The search never stops,” the guest concludes.

“Conflating value with price is a crazy thing,” Quevedo said. This is why Cruz Sánchez de Lara does not want to say goodbye to the episode without first knowing the real value of these high-end cosmetic products, “why they cost what they are worth, and they are worth what they cost? Because you’re not cheap.There is a lot of research. Among the more than 3,000 scientists we have,The most senior and advanced are those who work at Clé de Peau Beauté, the most prime that we have; The raw material is expensive and rare. He packaging It is something very important, an object of desire, and each product requires years of study. This is all paid for.”

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