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Foreign Affairs advises Spaniards in Lebanon to leave the country due to escalation of Israeli attacks

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has advised Spaniards currently in Lebanon to leave the country by commercial means that are still operational given the escalation in recent days between Israel and the Lebanese Shiite militia party Hezbollah.

The department headed by José Manuel Albares has updated the travel recommendations for Lebanon where now, in addition to advises against traveling “under any circumstances” In the country, Spaniards who are there are also recommended, “especially if their stay is temporary, to leave using existing commercial means.”

In this sense, “it is recommended to remain attentive to the social networks and other means of communication of the Spanish Embassy in Beirut. In case of emergency, the Embassy advises to contact via the number 03110074 or the e-mail emb. beirut.sc@maec. .es.

On the other hand, the Foreign Affairs has advised Spaniards who have “flights scheduled in the coming days to consult their airline regarding the possibility of schedule changes or flight cancellations“Although Beirut airport remains operational, some flights were cancelled throughout the day.

Likewise, the recommendation is maintained to avoid any movement towards the south of the Litani River and in the area of ​​the Becá Valley “as they are particularly dangerous.”

Specifically, these areas in the south and east of the country have been subjected to intense bombardment by Israel during the day that left more than 350 dead. Similarly, the Israeli army also confirmed a new “selective attack” in Beirut in recent hours.

Israel has intensified its attacks in recent days offensive against Hezbollahwith bombings on the capital and the south of the country, the main stronghold of the militia party, which responded with bombings on the north of the neighboring country. In addition, Israel is believed to be behind the explosion last week of ‘pager” and the “walkie-talkies” of the Hezbollah militias which have resulted in more than one thirty dead and thousands injured.

It should be recalled that Spain has deployed a contingent of more than 650 Spanish soldiers within the United Nations Mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which is dedicated to patrolling the border between the two countries. Defense Minister Margarita Robles explained this Monday that they are in the bunkers because Israel has respected the custom of notifying when it is going to attack and clarified that the usual patrol work has been suspended and currently only the “indispensable” acts.

Thus, the government expressed in a statement published by Foreign Affairs “its deep dismay and condemnation at the Israeli bombings (…) in response to the attacks by Hezbollah this weekend against Israel”.

“The spiral of violence must stop,” the Executive said, arguing that “War must be avoided at all costs”In this sense, the government maintained that “all parties must respect the lives of civilians and the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law.”

Furthermore, he stressed that “it is necessary to defuse tensions and fully implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701,” while stressing that “the immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza is absolutely necessary to reduce regional tension.”




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