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HomeLatest NewsForeign Affairs took Edmundo Gonzalez from Caracas aboard a Falcon after negotiations...

Foreign Affairs took Edmundo Gonzalez from Caracas aboard a Falcon after negotiations with the United States and Maduro in the Dominican Republic

A joint operation between the Armed Forces Spanish, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finished with Edmundo GonzalezVenezuelan opposition leader, leaves the country for Spain aboard a Falcon. A plane mobilized last Thursday with a mysterious flight plan to the Dominican Republic, where the North American Secretary of State also landed on Friday, Anthony Blinkenand the plane that the Chavista vice-president regularly uses Delcy Rodriguez. Behind us are 72 hours of tripartite negotiations between Spain, Venezuela and the United States. All Falcon flights were carried out at night and false flight plans were even drawn up as a distraction.

Thursday, 8:42 p.m. A hawk of the 45th Armed Forces Group Spanish, with code AME4529, It takes off from the Torrejón de Ardoz air base and heads west. Their destination, the Azores, a common stopover point for refueling on the routes of military planes that transport state figures to South America. No minister has an agenda a similar trip, but sources consulted by OKDIARIO indicate that it is a flight in assignmentdiplomat“More information: The Falcon’s movements are protected under a state secret based on Francoist law.

The flight, piloted by Air Force personnel, landed in the Azores and, after less than an hour’s stopover, resumed its route to its final destination in the Dominican Republic. Landed at 00:25 Friday in the Punta Caucedo Airportnear the San Isidro military base.

In the meantime, this flight is just one of the strange visits of the government Falcon to the Dominican Republic, already included as a “frequent destination” for the military unit that operates it, as revealed by OKDIARIO. But in this case, a strange element is introduced to the eyes of air traffic control experts: shortly after landing, the plane has a new flight plan marked for the return to Madrid, early in the morning and with a strange route: it plans to go to Cancun. and, without landing, resume the route to the Azores. Something totally unusual that leads those who are already monitoring this flight to think that it is a false route to mislead and that its real intention is to jump to Venezuela.

Friday at dawn in the Dominican Republic. Shortly after, another plane arrives on the island. It has an American license plate and Joe Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is on board. According to the American diplomat’s public schedule, before meeting with the leaders of the Dominican Republic, he “a private meeting” at nine in the morning.

On the island, at that time, there was also one of the private planes most used by the Venezuelan vice president. Delcy Rodriguez for their movements, increasingly limited by US sanctions. In fact, a few days before the US Treasury seized the Nicolas Maduro’s Falcon 2000which was also running on a Dominican track, and had taken him to Miami. Friday passes without news and Falcon cancels flight plan in Spain.

On Saturday, the government of Pedro Sánchez set its agenda with the Federal Committee of the PSOE. In the speech of the socialist leader, Sánchez refers for the first time, 40 days after Maduro’s blow to the opposition, to Edmundo González. He describes him as a “hero”, after refusing to accept his victory for days and with the paper on the table of former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, a fundamental international support for Maduro who even distanced himself from the Puebla Group when it came to demanding that the communist regime publish the electoral registers.

On Saturday night, strange movements appear again on the Falcon’s route sheet. A new flight plan with a strange route that takes it over Mexico before returning to Spain, an absurdity in the eyes of expert aviators.

Fake route plan for Edmundo González’s Falcon.

In Madrid, Sánchez and Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares head by SuperPuma helicopter to Torrejón to board the Airbus A310 that will take them on the three-day Chinese tour that begins Monday. However, unlike most trips, the presidential motorcade waits more than an hour to board and depart. Something is brewing.

Around this time on Saturday, the Falcon sent to the Dominican Republic takes off after about 48 hours with false flight plans. Its route south leaves no doubt: it is heading towards Venezuela. There, you will arrive shortly after at the international airport of Maiquetia Simon Bolivar. An hour later, the AME4529 He resumed his flight to Santo Domingo. On board is Edmundo González, who is leaving Venezuela with a search and arrest warrant from Chavismo. The United States, with the head of diplomacy on site, is informed of everything.

Falcon flight towards Caracas at dawn.

At dawn, the Falcon leaves again with the head of the opposition on board and heads for Spain, with a stopover in the Azores to refuel and an expected arrival in Madrid at noon. From the morning, on the presidential plane, the Foreign Affairs and Moncloa confirm to the journalists embarked on the tour – which this time has left media such as OKDIARIO on the ground – that the operation to expel Edmundo González from Venezuela has been a success.

Flight records of the Falcon in which Edmundo González travels.

Edmundo Gonzalez

Edmundo González, former presidential candidate and leader of Venezuela’s main opposition coalition, is traveling to Spain on a Spanish Air Force plane, Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares confirmed on social media.

The minister indicated that this transfer was made at the request of Edmundo González himself, stressing that “the Spanish government is committed to the political rights and security of all Venezuelans.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed in a statement that González had left Caracas for Spain on board a Spanish military plane and that “the Spanish government provided the diplomatic and logistical means necessary for his transfer, requested by itself.”

On the other hand, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, announced on Saturday that Edmundo González Urrutia, leader of the opposition, had left the country with a safe conduct granted “in favor of tranquility and political peace”, after having spent “several days” taking refuge in the embassy of Spain, a country that will grant him asylum.

“Today, September 7, the opponent Edmundo González Urrutia left the country, who after voluntarily taking refuge for several days in the embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Caracas, requested political asylum,” Rodríguez wrote on Instagram.

Edmundo González has declared himself the winner of Venezuela’s July presidential elections, following allegations of electoral fraud by Nicolás Maduro and the National Electoral Council (CNE), with results that have not been recognized by the European Union, the United States or South America’s leading democracies.

On September 3, the Venezuelan regime issued an arrest warrant for Edmundo González, following instructions from the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office.

The First Special Court of First Instance for Control Functions, competent in cases related to crimes related to terrorism, ordered the arrest of González Urrutia for alleged crimes such as “usurpation of functions”, “falsification of public documents”, “incitement to disobedience to the laws”, “conspiracy”, “sabotage of systems” and “association”, as reported by the Public Ministry on Instagram.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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