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HomeEntertainment NewsFormer boarding school director sentenced to one year in prison.

Former boarding school director sentenced to one year in prison.

A former teacher at the private Catholic boarding school Stanislas was sentenced by the Valenciennes court (North) to one year in prison for acts of violence committed between 2013 and 2018 against six students of the Parisian establishment, on Monday 9 September. He was also sentenced to a five-year ban from engaging in any activity involving regular contact with minors.

The prosecution had requested a six-month prison sentence with two years’ probation. The 61-year-old man was on trial for violence reported by six former students of the preparatory classes at this establishment in central Paris.

During the investigation carried out by the youth brigade, the six victims reported similar behaviour: “blows to the back of the head”, “humiliation”, “abuse”. A former student, who completed his entire education at the Parisian establishment, described his behaviour “abusive” and one “psychological influence”. He described the accused as“omnipresent”, “voyeuristic” AND “not drinkable”.

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“I was waiting for some friends when they came out of the shower”

“He was in a bad mood, stressed, he would come into our rooms, he would wait for certain friends when they came out of the shower”Another student testified, also describing him as“homophobic”Others had mentioned searches in rooms on several occasions.

On the stand, the defendant, a man of imposing build, disputed some of the facts. He repeated that he simply “respected the rules” of the establishment and reported a “cabala”. “I acknowledge that the supervisors were able to intervene in the rooms because they were not tidy”declared the former boarding school teacher, in his brown suit.

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“Does this seem normal to you? Isn’t this a flagrant violation of your privacy?”asks the president of the court. “It was in the regulations”replies the accused, who was also a music teacher.

This former boarding school teacher was also charged with Rape and sexual assault by a person abusing his position, for acts committed between June 30 and June 1Ahem in July 2001 in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise), at the Saint-Martin-de-France boarding school, against a student who was then 17 years old. In this case, the suspect was placed under judicial supervision.

Read also the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers. The Demons of Stanislas College, the citadel of private Catholic education

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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