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Former deputy medical director who charged money from each patient, before the judge

The first session of the review of the criminal case of Elshan Mustafayev and his deputy Zamin Aliyev, former general director of the public legal entity “Republic Narcology Center” of the Ministry of Health, was held.

Oku.AzAccording to information from the Baku Court of Serious Crimes, prosecutor Ziya Mansurov announced the indictment against the defendants in the trial presided over by Judge Sabina Mammadzadeh.

During the preliminary investigation it was revealed that the head physician and his deputy were paid 5 manats per month from each patient.

Elshan Mustafayev said he was partly guilty, while Zamin Aliyev said he was completely innocent.

The Ministry of Health was recognized as a victim.

The trial was postponed until October 8.

It should be noted that in March 2024, a criminal case was initiated in the General Anti-Corruption Department of the Prosecutor General regarding the illegal actions of Elshan Mustafayev and his deputy Zamin Aliyev, the general director of the “Republic Drug Center” of the Ministry of Health. During the investigation, after Elshan Mustafayev was appointed to the above position in April 2023, he previously colluded with his deputy Zamin Aliyev and admitted patients to the Center, the main activity of which is to examine and treat people suffering from drug and alcohol use and place them in the appropriate departments. Reasonable suspicions were established that they accepted different amounts of money as bribes from individuals for examinations and other purposes and distributed them among themselves in accordance with a previously reached agreement. The illegal actions of these persons were detected by operational and technical measures and they were caught in the act of committing the crime, and documents and other material evidence important to the case were taken from the searches carried out.

Based on the preliminary evidence gathered, Elshan Mustafayev and Zamin Aliyev were detained as suspects and charged with Articles 311.3.1 and 311.3.2 of the Criminal Code (repeated bribery by a group of persons who previously conspired) and were taken into custody. Arrest was selected by decision of the court.

Elgun Hasanli


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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