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HomeLatest NewsFormer Director of Women's Institute Fired and Continues to Recruit Purple Dots...

Former Director of Women’s Institute Fired and Continues to Recruit Purple Dots from PSOE Municipalities

Isabel García, former director of the Women’s Institute, was fired in July after learning that her company had received a multitude of government contracts to organize equality-related activitiescontinues to accumulate awards after leaving the body attached to the ministry led by Ana Redondo.

Elig Equality and Diversity Policy Consulting, founded by García in 2022, has received a new contract less than 1,848 eurostaxes included, from the Catarroja City Council. This is what the official documents of the Public Sector Contracts Platform indicate, as reported by El Español and confirmed by ABC.

The agreement of September 4th entrusted Elig with the management of the Purple Points for the major festivals that the municipality, led by the PSPV and Compromís, celebrated last week. The company has received numerous minor contracts from Valencian municipalities, most of them governed by the socialists.

The company is headquartered in Xirivella, a municipality in which García was a councilor for Equality – a position she combined with that of senior deputy in the Valencian Provincial Council – until she signed in 2019 as an advisor to former minister José Luis Ábalos. During her time at the Women’s Institute, García kept 8% of the company and gave the rest to her partner, Elisabeth García, who also owns Imber Consultoría de Igualdad.

In June, the Catarroja City Council had already granted Elig a thousand euros to organize a conference with the socialist Silvia Buabent, director of the Women’s Institute between 2018 and 2019. In addition, in 2023, she also received a contract of 13,300 euros -at the limit of the legal maximum as a minor contract- by this council to carry out the activities of 8-M. It is the only company that responded to the call for tenders.

For his part, Catarroja entrusted Imber last year with the organization of a conference on gender violence for the 25-N with the writer Laura Freixas and the provision of fans for the purple points of the August festivities.

As reported by this newspaper, beyond the installation of Purple Points and the prevention of alcohol consumption, the portfolio of services that Elig offers is varied: from plays, storytelling or the development of equality and LGTBIQ+ plans to awareness campaigns for non-sexist toys in childhood, music therapy workshops or school gymkhanas.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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