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Former head of the PP of Orense with Panamanian company adds 10 million public contracts while receiving 86 million in aid

More than 10 million euros in more than 210 attributions from different administrations since 2018. These are the public contracts obtained by the companies of the Galician César Blanco, leader of Cepyme who was part of the executive of the PP of Orense of the controversial José Manuel Baltar. , president of the Provincial Council of this province until July 2023.

With a company in Panama, the companies in Spain of this entrepreneur in the training sector and employment agencies have received more than 86 million in subsidies since 2020. This places it at the top of the ranking of public aid to training companies, with several of its companies among the most subsidized in Spain in 2023. Added to this rain of subsidies are more than 10 million awards. The figure, a conservative estimate, includes around a hundred minor contracts and orders to temporary joint ventures (UTE) formed by Blanco companies, which did not want to respond to

The most profitable, with at least 3.6 million rewards since 2018, is Academia Postal 3 Vigo, well known in Galicia and which shares 50% with Francisco Nóvoa, founder and visible face of the Academia Postal group. Specializing in training candidates and providing employment agency services, this company has received grants of 19.9 million since 2020 alone.

At least 2.4 million contracts have been received by G12 Grupo Empresarial, 100% owned by César Blanco and his children and subsidized to the tune of more than 29 million since 2020. More than 688,000 contracts have been collected since 2018 by Moba Skill Training SL, formerly called Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL, subsidized with more than 24 million since 2020.

Another of his companies, Educatic Gap Pue SL, has accumulated more than 13 million euros in public aid since 2020 and more than 547,000 euros in contracts since 2018. The rest is made up of awards for another of his companies , Clictic, and for different UTEs. until reaching these more than 10 million.

The actual amount awarded to Blanco companies probably exceeds this amount, as the information on the rudimentary public procurement portal site only covers until March 2018. Additionally, in some cases these are framework agreements in which the price is agreed. services that will be provided, the amount invoiced by each company is therefore unknown, since the published award criterion is the hourly price of their courses.

This is the case of the framework agreement aimed at offering training courses for employment in the form of training vouchers, in the professional family of commerce and marketing, awarded by the Community of Madrid in May 2019. Academia Postal 3 Vigo was among the winners 8 of the 19 lots of the competition, in which 36 other companies and entities were selected, and which was valued overall at almost 3 million.

This figure was not taken into account in this estimate of 10 million. Other framework agreements in which their companies have been awarded are those of the Cabildo de Lanzarote (worth 400,000 euros) or the Government of Navarra.

The largest contract, 2.29 million, is a service of “digital culture of workers hired under the Plan to Promote Agrarian Employment and Disadvantaged Areas of Extremadura” that the Ministry of Labor reward at the Academia Postal 3 Vigo in April 2022. Below you will find a call for tenders outside the areas in which Blanco is specialist: a service rental of software licenses “for Bigdata environments” on behalf of the tax authorities.

The Ministry of Finance awarded it in October for 1.18 million (plus VAT) to a joint venture formed by Clictic and G12, both owned by César Blanco, and a Madrid software company, Pue Data SL, with no apparent relation to him and a regular contractor of the Xunta de Galicia or the Community from Madrid. The contract was awarded according to the “restricted” procedure, in which only previously admitted companies can participate. This was the “most advantageous” offer of the three presented. The identity of its competitors is “confidential”, according to the Treasury. Pue Data SL did not respond to questions from

Blanco used several UTEs to qualify for public contracts. In 2022, G12, Academia Postal 3 Vigo, Educatic Gap Pue and Moba Skill Training won, in joint venture or alone, a third of the prizes in a competition aimed at providing training in the centers of the Department of Employment and of Equality. the Xunta de Galicia for 1.357 million.

They did it alone (Academia Postal 3 Vigo, Educatic Gap Pue) or through joint ventures which, in some cases, formed Blanco companies. In the lot that Educatic Gap Pue SL achieved alone for 172,774.2 euros, it was in competition with another joint venture formed by another company of the Academia Postal group (Academia Postal 6 La Coruña SLU). Another winning UTE was created by the G12 and the Galician Association of Entrepreneurs (Agaemp), which, together with its counterpart in Castile and León, constitutes the Spanish Federation of Entrepreneurs (Fedemp), chaired by according to their websiteby Cesar Blanco. Fedemp’s headquarters are located in the Madrid offices of the Academia Postal group.

In spring 2021, during a competition organized by the Provincial Delegation of Pontevedra, then chaired by the socialist Carmela Silva, for measures aimed at “integrating the most vulnerable people”, Blanco companies took over six of the fourteen lots awarded. They obtained contracts worth 621,548 euros to manage teleassistance calls or social and health care for dependent people in Vigo or Pontevedra, a region that the businessman knows well as treasurer of Aspanaex , with a long tradition in assisting the intellectually disabled and which has received million-dollar grants. Another successful bidder was the Provincial Confederation of Businessmen of Pontevedra, to which Blanco has been linked for years.

The majority of the company contracts of this former manager of the PP of Ourense are very diverse formations, largely with minor contracts. Language courses, cooking classes (for Madrid City Hall), gender equality (for the Orense Provincial Council), “Transparency and good government” (for the Treasury), public procurement (Community of Madrid), “management subsidies” or “Execution of public expenditure” for the Ministry of the Interior; “non-sexist use of language” for the Ministry of the Economy, improvement in the drafting of administrative documents (for the Provincial Delegation of Castellón)…

His companies went from 2.4 million in public aid in 2020 to 38.5 million in 2023. Alongside this explosion of subsidies, Blanco reactivated in 2022 a company in Panama that he has run since 2012 with his children. He currently participates in these companies in Spain through a company created in Madrid in December 2021, Doce Blar SL, which at the end of 2022 (last financial year for which it presented its accounts) had three shareholders: himself (24.72%) and his children Brais and Antía Blanco, with 37.64% each.

César Blanco is president and CEO and his son Brais Blanco is director and secretary. The latter was a partner in a real estate company (Torroña SL) alongside the developer Delio Santalices, brother of the president of the Parliament of Galicia since 2016, Miguel Santalices. Both liquidated the company in 2021.

And in May of this year, a businesswoman from the nightlife of Vigo told them about a strange real estate transaction in which she lost million-dollar properties for not paying a fine of 15,000 euros to la Xunta: “They took all my properties, valued at around 3 million, for four dollars from MM. Delio Santalices Vieira, brother of the President of the Galician Parliament, Brais Blanco Rodicio and Alfonso Cid Rodríguez. Now they have the Niu Port property in Sabarís for sale on real estate portals for 1.2 million,” he said in Faro de Vigo.


Shortly after the creation of Doce Blar SL, in May 2022, Blarsl Corp was reactivated in Panama, established in 2012 and since then led by César (president), Brais (treasurer) and Antía Blanco (secretary), all three domiciled in a chalet. in Vigo. Five months earlier, the Madrid-based company Doce Blar SL had begun taking 100% of several family businesses in Spain.

Among them, an important name in the list of companies subsidized by at least 100,000 euros that the Public Treasury recently published to comply with the transparency law, Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL, current Moba Skill. This company was created in 2004 in Nogueira de Ramuin (Ourense), in Ribeira Sacra, and whose local association, Aenor, is chaired by César Blanco.

In 2013, the BNG warned of a “possible plot” by PP mayors in Ourense to award the contract for municipal fire brigades to companies linked to the party. One of the companies chosen was Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL, which César Blanco has run since its creation 20 years ago.

The businessman identifies himself in his LinkedIn profile as administrator of Academia Postal 3. He has a degree in business administration and management IT from the University of Vigo, of which he has been a member of the Social Council since 2012, first on the proposal of the Xunta and since 2021 by election of professional organizations.

To his activities with training or placement agencies, he adds extensive experience in the real estate sector, with a franchise of the Re/Max chain in Vigo. Blanco in fact chaired the employers’ association of the sector of this city, Asemi. Member of the executive committee of the Cepyme employers’ union since June 2014, he is also vice-president of the Ourense Business Confederation (CEO), which he aspired to chair more than ten years ago.

He was part of the Provincial Executive Committee of the PP of Baltar in Ourense. As executive secretary of the Formation, he launched its summer school in 2011. José Manuel Baltar inherited the presidency of the deputation in 2012 from his father, José Luis Baltar, the self-proclaimed “good boss», in a dynastic succession without precedent in democratic Spain. As for the current PP senator, awaiting trial before the Supreme Court for driving at 215 kilometers per hour, he always planned the shadow of nepotism and clientelist networks.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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