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HomeBreaking NewsFormer MP Nazim Beydamirli faced witnesses in court

Former MP Nazim Beydamirli faced witnesses in court

The criminal proceedings against former MP Nazim Beydamirli, accused of extortion through threats, have continued.

Oku.azAccording to information provided by , victims Mursal Ibrahimov and Adalat Bagirov participated in the trial presided over by Farid Namazov, judge of the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

Nazim Beydamirli said he was not arrested based on the victim’s complaint:

“You invited me to come to a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the issue related to OJSC Avto-Garant.”

Adalat Bagirov noted that such a meeting was held, but no issues were resolved at it.

Salman Khidyrov and Samir Huseynov then testified as witnesses.

The trial was adjourned until September 16.

It should be noted that the former deputy was detained in July 2023. According to the indictment, the citizen appealed to the police and said that N. Beydamirli threatened him with embarrassing pictures and demanded 50 thousand manats. He said that on June 24 last year

Although he gave N. Beydamirli 10,000 manats, the latter said that he would blackmail the author and his family and spread embarrassing images for not paying the remaining amount.

N. Baydemirli was charged under Article 182.2.4 of the Criminal Code (extortion by threat, when committed with the aim of obtaining a large amount of property).


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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