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Former PP advisor Rafael Blasco appears in Barberá team plot linked to 600,000 euros in Switzerland

Former Valencian PP councilor Rafael Blasco, convicted of embezzlement of public cooperation funds, appears in a police report on the “Azud case” linked to a banking product in Switzerland worth 600,000 euros. The case, linked to alleged corruption operations during the mandates of the popular Rita Barberá, has affected the former councilor of Francisco Camps.

A report from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, to which has had access, reveals that a Swiss account of the Panamanian company Edinboro Investments SA, the supposed epicenter of the commissions of the “Azud Case” plot, transferred 600,000 euros on January 25, 2008, by means of a telephone call, to another account in the same Swiss country of another Panamanian company, Jagat Inc.

The company receiving the funds was created just a month before receiving the transfer. This is the first and only foreign payment of this banking product, whose authorized signatures, in addition to businessman Miguel Montoro, included former minister Rafael Blasco.

The UCO located the original list of authorized signatures, among which was the Minister of Cooperation of the Autonomous Government of Francisco Camps. In the police report, based on documentation provided by the Swiss authorities, his national identity document (DNI) is also reproduced.

The developer Miguel Montoro, now deceased, was the owner of the Panamanian company Edinboro Investments SA, also linked to his daughter Mónica, the latter investigated in the “Azud case”. By pulling the thread, the Civil Guard investigators found old acquaintances of the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office.

“Partner” of a promoter

The UCO refers to the alleged status of “partner” of the popular councilor of the time, Rafael Blasco, who would have maintained “common affairs” with the real estate developer. Blasco was Minister of Territory between 2003 and 2006.

In the bank account opening report, reference is made to the fact that “it does not contain any politically exposed person (PEP)”, despite Blasco’s well-known status as a prominent member of the Valencian executive.

The banking product of 600,000 euros was “the first and only foreign payment” into the Swiss account. As early as 2010, “the bulk of the balance” was allocated to the purchase of shares (for an amount of 583,515 euros) in companies such as Abengoa or Nokia.

The investment portfolio accumulated a total of 635,793 euros. Two years later, on July 10, 2012, businessman Miguel Montoro ordered the closure of the Swiss account of the Panamanian company Jagat Inc and the transfer of the balance to his company Edinboro Investments SA.

The Civil Guard report highlights that on dates close to the movements of the Swiss accounts, Blasco was listed as being investigated for embezzlement of funds from the Valencian Cooperation. In addition, “just a few days after the publication of this news”, the promoter Miguel Montoro ordered the closure of the Swiss account of the Panamanian company Jagat Inc linked to Blasco.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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