The judge of the Court of Instruction number 1 of Mostoles has decided to open an oral trial against the former socialist mayor of this cityNoélia Possewho is accused of prevarication and embezzlement of funds in what is called ITV caseFour months ago, the prosecution requested a sentence of 12 years ban for her and eight other members of the municipal government of the previous legislature, all from the PSOE. As reported in a car to which OKDIARIO had access, The competent body is declared for the knowledge and judgment of the cause to the Provincial Court of Madrid.
The public prosecutor is requesting 12 years of dismissal from public office for the offence of embezzlement in the ITV case. An investigation is underway into whether municipal coffers were damaged when the city council arbitrarily decided, allegedly forgive the debt of a company responsible for carrying out technical inspections of vehicles. In the Madrid indictment, the prosecution claims that the accused “caused economic damage” to the Móstoles City Council, estimated at 615,000 eurosby cancelling the debt acquired by this company and reducing the annual contribution to 60,000 euros. He also points out that the municipal government took this decision “despite a unfavorable report of the intervener”, who had warned of the illegality of the procedure.
In the functional part of the car agree on the opening of the oral hearing after the corresponding accusations against “Noelia Posse, Francisco Javier Torner, María Luisa Ruiz, Alejandro Martín, David Muñoz, Rebeca Prieto, Aitor Perlines, Beatriz Benavides, Natividad Gómez, Dolores Triviño and Mónica Ramírez as administrator of the entity Itv Móstoles SL for the crime of prevarication and misappropriation of public funds.
Judge Maria Pinto, in her writing of July 31, demands that “the accused be jointly and severally liable, within the framework of the within one day, provide a guarantee in the amount of 817,453.94 euros to ensure the pecuniary responsibilities which, ultimately, might be imposed on him, in any of the the classes indicated” in the Law, with the warning of
“that if you don’t lend it the goods will be seized in sufficient quantity to ensure the sum stressed. At this point, he gives the order to open a separate room so that the accused do not escape the restoration of the economic balance that they would have broken in the coffers of Mostoleña.