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Four Mallorcan publishers will participate in the Setmana del Llibre en Català in Palma

The 35th edition of the “Setmana del Libre en Català” in Palmawhich will be held from September 12 to 15 in Misericòrdia, will have until four Majorcan publishers such as Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Nova Editorial Moll, El Gall Editor and Documenta Balear, as well as the bookstores Drac Màgic, Quart creixent, Lila i els contes, Embat and Llibreria Pròpia.

The inauguration of the ‘Setmana del Libre en Català’ 2024 will take place Thursday September 12 at 6:30 p.m. and will remain open until Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., except on Sunday when it will close one hour earlier.

The Council of Mallorca has allocated a total of 95,000 euros to the Gremi de Llibreters of Mallorca This year, we will carry out various cultural initiatives, such as the “Setmana del Llibre en Català”, the “Fira del Llibre”, Sant Jordi and promote reading in bookstores.

The island director of Culture of the Consell de Mallorca, Guillem Ginard, indicated that the island institution wants to support the union, because it is a a “very important” part of the culture and reading world on the islandwith all these proposals which “allow hundreds of people to come together to enjoy reading and the language”.

Book presentations and round tables

Among the novelties introduced by the “Setmana del Libre en Català” for 2024, the following stand out: presentations of new books, round table on tourism and literature, and the inaugural concert that will take place next Thursday, after the proclamation, of Nou Romancer.

During the week, different activities will be carried out, such as the presentations of “History of a Piano” by Ramon Gener and “Cream!” of Maria Nicolastwo of the best-selling books from the latest edition of Sant Jordi. The journalist and the chef will participate for the first time in this event held in Palma. Also the journalist Montserrat Espallargas will present his latest book, ‘Genètica de les passions’.

As for local authors, the week will host the presentation of the latest news from authors such as Miquel Angel Vidal with ‘Vint-i-cinc dies d’agost i tres dies de setembre’, Paul Vadellwith the collection of poems “Uralita”, and Marie Escalaswinner of the last ‘Ciutat de Palma’ novel prize, with ‘Matilde E.’, a work that she will present as part of the event.

There will also be presentations of the biographical book of Isidor Mari Mayas‘El compromis ètic i polièdric d’Enric Ribes Marí’, with the presence of the biographer, and ‘Memorial de violetas. Minority chronicle of repression and homosexual liberation in the Balearic Islands In Marti.

Throughout the week there will also be space for children and family activitiesAmong which stands out the presentation of the illustrator’s latest book Xavier Salomo‘Un regal de por’, the storyteller ‘Contes per la Igualtat’ of Tomeu Granera and the puppet show “Bruixeries”, directed by Toni Masegosa.

In addition, the creation of visual theatre will also be carried out by Julia Febrer And Tomeu Quetglasand the presentation of the “Illes de Paraules” project promoted by the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics. The end of the event will be in musical form, with a Tiu Concert which will take place on Sunday, starting at 6:00 p.m.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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