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Four years in prison for the “fogueteiro” who caused the Tui explosion: “I apologize, there is nothing else I can do”

From the 14 years in prison requested by the prosecution, to the 4 that Francisco GL, the “fogueteiro” of Paramos, will end up serving. The reduction is the basis of the agreement under which the sole person charged with the 2018 detonation of 2,500 kilos of explosive material in Tui will avoid trial over the event in which a couple lost their lives, leaving two children orphaned. More than 400 houses were affected and nearly 80 vehicles and 36 people were damaged by the explosion that surprised the town of Paramos six years ago and forced the reconstruction of many of the buildings. Yesterday, in plenary session, the accused admitted the facts and accepted the 4 years in prison – the time he has already spent in pre-trial detention will be deducted – before addressing the court to ask for “forgiveness” by using of his right to the last word: “I am truly sorry for what happened, for the damage caused, and I ask for forgiveness. I can’t do anything else.” Francisco GL, responsible for having illegally accumulated tons of explosives in the urban area of ​​the city where he lived without his neighbors having news of the existence of these warehouses, faced 14 years in prison. two attempted homicides, in addition to other crimes Specifically, the prosecution charged him with two reckless deaths and 28 counts of reckless injury in addition to three misdemeanors for participating in fires. artifice, violation of established safety rules and specific endangerment of the life, physical integrity or health of people or the environment In an attempt to “turn the page and close a chapter that has lasted for years. many years”, the neighbors concerned accepted the reduction of the sentence, imposing, yes, a removal order for Francisco G. from the place which ended up becoming a real postcard of war. In addition, the prosecution managed to disqualify him from this activity for the next 18 years. After admitting to having had up to three illegal storage points for explosive elements in order to evade mandatory administrative controls, the accused reiterated his apologies without much consequence for the people concerned. For the president of the Association of Affected People of Paramos, Salvador García, “this forgiveness comes late”, even if the desire to “end a very sad period for the residents” prevails, he said yesterday as he left the Provincial Court of Pontevedra. standard INFORMATION No Even if no one is tried Déborah was murdered: the judge refuses to declare her death “undetermined” Jesús Hierro The divergence now lies in the question of whether Mapfre’s civil liability is covered or not and whether it is subject to the limit of the amount agreed with this insurance company hired by the accused, which amounted to one and a half million euros. All other insurers yesterday approved the amounts claimed by the public prosecutor and raised no opposition in terms of criminal liability. The explosion led to the death of two people, a Moroccan couple who had two young children for whom the prosecutor is seeking compensation of close to half a million euros. The court will determine in the sentence the extent of civil liability. In this sense, in addition to the victims, the Administration is also claiming because it has advanced a very significant part of the quantified damages (around 9 of the 12 million estimated).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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