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HomeEntertainment NewsFrance and Japan strengthen their military cooperation

France and Japan strengthen their military cooperation

The crack of a machine gun breaks the silence. Covered by gusts of wind, French and then Japanese soldiers emerge, cross the open space and run towards a radar station. Heavy fire accompanies their advance across the ground. Calm returns. The assault lasted no more than five minutes and the ten hostages, captured by “guerrilla forces” who had taken over the premises, are free. According to the scenario, this enemy troop comes from a “red country” in northwestern Japan. No one has identified it, but everything points to China or Russia, two neighbours that are causing concern for the archipelago.

At the head of the operation called “Gankyo” (“Robust”), a section of the 2my foreign infantry regiment (REI, Foreign Legion) and five of the 39my Infantry Regiment (IR) of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSF). The assault is part of the Franco-Japanese maneuvers organized from 8 to 21 September in the Ojojihara and Iwateyama fields (northeast Japan) and intended to consolidate the rapprochement between Paris and Tokyo in the field of defense. “We are showing our competitors and enemies that France and Japan are strong partners”insists Colonel Thomas Miailhes, head of the 2ndmy REI.

The French army had never manoeuvred in Japan since the 19th century, when Paris introduced the troops of the Edo shogunate (1603-1868) to military modernity. Hence the name of the manoeuvres: “Brunet-Takamori” (BT). Jules Brunet (1838-1911) led a military mission in Japan between 1867 and 1869 and took part in the Boshin War (1868-1869), which put an end to the shogunate and marked the victory of imperial power. A hero of the imperialists during this same conflict, Saigo Takamori (1828-1877) is considered “the last samurai”.

“Pacific regional power position”

The first edition of the BT was held in New Caledonia in 2023. The second confirms that communication difficulties do not prevent good relations. Everyone was able to share their experiences on shooting exercises, care for the wounded and especially the use of new technologies. “Dronisation, robotisation and the digitalisation of the battlespace mean that we need to evolve our tactics and operating procedures”explains General Valentin Seiler, commander of the 6thmy light armored brigade, which includes the 2ndmy REI. “Our bonds have never been stronger. From two separate armies, we have become a formidable team.”Colonel Fumihiro Kayanuma, commander of the 39th, rejoicesmy Japanese IR.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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