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France’s plan for Armenia: “We are with you in the face of Kremlin pressure”

Whether it is the 44-day war or France, which in the following years unilaterally supported Armenia and was “busy” for 30 years in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict as co-chair of the former OSCE Minsk Group, still continues its anti-Azerbaijani rhetoric. In addition to attacking Azerbaijan, which has restored its territorial integrity, official Paris is arming the other side and strengthening the spirit of revanchism.

The anti-Azerbaijani campaign initiated by France has become more intense in recent times. French President Emmanuel Macron alone has spoken at least five times on the UN Security Council platform in the past year, demanding the imposition of sanctions against Azerbaijan. But all his attempts ended in failure. These fiascos further reinforce that Macron is haphazard and populist, far from a real and pragmatic policy.

The political behaviour of someone who is not involved in politics creates huge problems for France and pushes Armenia, which it is supposed to “protect”, even further into a dead end.

Despite all this, French officials continue to visit Armenia to create conflict in the region. This time, the country’s Foreign Minister Stefan Sejurne visited Yerevan. Although the visit is said to be aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two countries, the real goal is completely different: to remove Armenia from Russia’s orbit. The minister’s statements there are also proof of this.

After announcing the allocation of $29 million in aid to Armenia, he promised that he would try to protect Armenia from Russian pressure at any cost. According to the minister, these funds are intended for Armenians who voluntarily left the territories of Azerbaijan. The Foreign Minister also noted that France and Armenia will cooperate in the field of defense. He then said that despite open threats and hostility from Russia, support for the government and people of Armenia will continue. According to him, Armenia is gradually moving towards democracy.

Another noteworthy issue is that the French minister will also visit Moldova. It is clear that the country’s relations with Russia remain tense. In his statement, the minister stressed that Moldova and Armenia are on the path to democracy and independence, and that both countries face pressure to move towards Europe.

It should be noted that the date of the minister’s visit was not chosen by chance. September is remembered as the month when the disasters began in Armenia. The year 2020 has gone down in history as the month when the liberation war in Karabakh began. Moreover, anti-terrorist measures began on September 19 and 20, 2023. The result is clear. Now the French minister wanted to show his support for Armenia with this visit. The statements made also confirm this. He stressed that Armenia stands by France as a historical partner and friendly country. Sehurne also mentioned strengthening defense cooperation.

Armenian media speculate that after the minister’s visit, French President Emmanuel Macron could also visit Yerevan on Armenia’s Independence Day. Armenian media write that the purpose of the visit is to show support for Armenia’s sovereignty. The media recall that already in 2021, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that he was expecting him in Yerevan on September 21 of the same year after talks with the French leader in Paris. However, the visit has not yet taken place. The French president last visited Armenia in October 2018 and participated in the Francophonie summit.

The statements and messages made suggest that the main theme of the visit of the Foreign Minister of the Macron government is related to Russia. These messages indicate that anti-Russian activity will be intensified. The statement “We will be at your side in the face of pressure from Russia” as well as the promise of support for separatist uprisings are reasons for this.

Azerbaijan does not trust the efforts of France, especially Macron. If Macron’s visit takes place, France’s main goal will be to demonstrate that it supports Armenia and continues to put pressure on Azerbaijan.

It can be assumed that France now has no chance to put pressure on Azerbaijan. However, it is not excluded that, following Armenia’s failure at the UN, France may want to take decisions against Azerbaijan at the level of the European Union. However, this possibility is also questionable, because among the countries supporting Azerbaijan’s position there are also those that are members of the European Union.

First of all, it should be noted that the long-awaited visit of E. Macron to Armenia will take place thanks to the influence of the Armenian lobby living in Europe, especially in France. The purpose of the visit is to strengthen the terrorist groups located in Karabakh, representatives of the so-called regime, and to ensure their armament.

Meanwhile, together with the French minister Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, a confidant of the Armenian lobby, also arrived in Yerevan. It should be noted that a few days ago information about this visit and the upcoming meeting was spread. Although Ocampo spoke about many issues and gave a lot of advice to the Armenians, he mainly focused on the release of former “glavars” of the junta regime, who were arrested for committing separatist acts in Azerbaijan. At an open meeting that lasted about two hours, the Argentine fraudster presented a “road map” that Armenians can follow “to achieve international justice and ensure the right of return of the Armenians of Artsakh.” He spoke about possible ways to put pressure on Azerbaijan to release people he called “Armenian prisoners of war.”

Ocampo, who has no doubts that he has received a lot of money from the Armenian diaspora abroad, said that the campaign for the release of the “Armenian prisoners” launched on the Internet a few months ago was quite successful. “This campaign was supported by Armenians from 32 countries, for the first time I saw cooperation at the international level,” – according to the former prosecutor, not only Armenians, but also representatives of the academic and university environment joined the movement.

It seems that there are serious goals behind these visits initiated by the Armenian lobby. If the first goal is to remove Armenia from Russia’s orbit, the second goal is to strengthen separatism and drag Yerevan into new conflicts.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.



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