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Free Venezuela

It has been almost a month and a half and the President of the Spanish Government has not yet congratulated the Venezuelan opposition, winner of the elections by an overwhelming majority, even in the midst of enormous complications and extreme obstacles. Nor has he congratulated the elected president. Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia nor to Maria Corina MachadoNor did he recognize them as the elected president of Venezuela or as coordinators of the winning opposition, heroes of this historic stage.

President Pedro Sánchez has not condemned these 27 murders, nor offered his condolences to their families, nor condemned or demanded the release of 2,400 people who disappeared from their homes for no reason, nor condemned what happened to more than 100 children who saw the slightest violation of their human rights.

The President of the Government has not condemned a bloodthirsty dictator who had already announced a bloodbath before the elections. A month and a half later, he has neither congratulated the winners of the elections nor condemned so many of the execrable facts mentioned. Nor has he condemned the former president Shoemakerright-hand man of a criminal accused of crimes against humanity by the United Nations; and, a month and a half later, he still hasn’t done so.

A few days ago, the president Pastrana brought together more than 30 Latin American leaders and former Spanish government presidents González, Aznar and Rajoy, without Zapatero having done so, to denounce President Maduro before the International Criminal Court in The Hague so that he could be arrested and tried. The president of the government has not spoken out either, much less joined the initiative. I was very busy in China while in Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo defended, in a memorable speech, the proclamation of Edmundo González Urrutia as president-elect of Venezuela, obtained the following day in the vote despite the No of the Socialist Party. This will remain in history.

The President of the Government was absent in China but gave instructions not to do so in Congress and, upon his return to Spain, he had the audacity to receive the elected president at Moncloa without recognising him as such.

The hypocrisy is unspeakable and the obscurantism of it all is dark.. A month and a half later, the President of the Government does not declare or recognize the elected president of Venezuela while the entire free world is aware, without a doubt, of the overwhelming victory of the opposition. Certainly, one of the murderers of the civil guards of Barbate is not claimed in Morocco, the Constitution is violated by transferring taxes to Catalonia – thus renewing the purchase of votes by which it exercises its functions -, the Bank of Spain is phagocytized and he protects it for himself and, in the meantime, protects his friend Zapatero, an accomplice of a criminal. To top it all off, the President of the Government proclaims: “We will move forward with determination on our agenda with or without the help of the Legislative Power.” What more is needed to be the absolute leader of so much indecency and indignity? Is there a greater contempt and a greater attack on what the three powers of democracy mean?

This is why we Spaniards have demonstrated with dignity, whatever our ideas, in Ferraz, in Madrid, for 314 days against the unconstitutional amnesty law and in defense of judicial independence, the division of powers, the rule of law, the equality of all Spaniards, freedom and democracy; and, since July 29, also daily in defense of the Venezuelan people, of the recognition of Edmundo González Urrutia as the elected president of Venezuela, of María Corina Machado as the leader of a spiritual and democratic struggle without precedent in the free world, a shining example in true defense of democracy for all, and to denounce a president of the government who, for more than a month and a half, has been putting obstacles and unacceptable excuses to what the unanimous clamor of the Venezuelan people and the unanimous clamor of the Venezuelan people of Spain, of Europe and of the world, who fight for freedom and democracy, mean. We demand from civil society the immediate recognition of the elected president of Venezuela as president of the government, without spending another week on it. Enough time has been spent admitting this inadmissible theft of the elections. Otherwise, we will accuse you of complicity with a criminal. There is no excuse.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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