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HomeBreaking NewsFrench politicians rebel against the president: a "stupid call" for Macron

French politicians rebel against the president: a “stupid call” for Macron

In France, the French people, fed up with the half-hearted policy of President Emmanuel Macron, voted for the victory of the far right in the elections to the European Parliament, which was the first factor that showed the collapse of Macron’s power. Even this defeat resulted in the dissolution of parliament. It is true that from a political-ideological point of view, the far-right parties do not have the desired political signature, but the citizens of France have chosen the best of the worst on the principle of “No Macron, no matter who.” In short, Macron has brought France to such an abyss that everyone is doing everything to remove him from power.

It is not for nothing that politicians joined the people the other day and more than 80 deputies of the French National Assembly signed a resolution to remove Emmanuel Macron from power. 81 deputies from the left-wing bloc “New Popular Front”, as well as other deputies from the “Greens” and “Left Democrats and Republicans” groups, initiated a petition. Subsequently, the French left-wing party “France Invincible” sent to the members of the assembly the draft resolution on the initiation of impeachment proceedings against Macron. In other words, Macron is implementing such a failed policy that even leftists and rightists, ideologically hostile to each other, have decided to take the same position against him. In a word, not only Macron’s opponents are opposed to him, but also his own supporters, who have begun to shake the Elysee Palace under their feet. Because Macron’s tendency towards authoritarianism, behaving like a dictator, making impulsive decisions, serious problems in state administration, growing internal difficulties and social tensions are the main reasons for his political bankruptcy and for his policy becoming a parody. Everyone in France, officials and non-officials, already understands that Macron’s permanence in power deepens the decline of Paris’s prestige.

About the topic Oku.AzTurab Rzayev, a political commentator, also believes that it was clear from the beginning that Macron would create a political crisis:

“Because in reality the real reason for a number of steps taken by this man, both in international politics and in domestic politics, is unknown, and this creates confusion. Imagine that he first takes a loyal attitude to Russia in foreign policy, especially in Ukraine, against the United States and Great Britain, then proposes to declare war on Russia. That is, he predicted that right-wing parties would win the elections for the European Union (EU) and that in this case Macron’s party would win. Macron took a political risk and pre-empted the parliamentary elections, took a risk, and as a result his party lost. This time, although the right-wing parties got enough votes, they still failed to become the main party in parliament. The left-wing parties almost won a majority in parliament and elected a new prime minister. In reality, Macron does not see eye to eye with the current Prime Minister Michel Barnier. Because Macron and the Prime Minister belong to different parties. In fact, many of these parties, the deputies of the left-wing bloc “New Popular Front”, “The Greens”, as well as the deputies representing the same party as Macron, have now adopted a tough position against him. At present, they have entered the stage of removing Macron from real power.

The expert believes that Macron realizes that he has lost, and that economic problems have increased in the country, so he intentionally withdraws from politics so that neo-Nazis or leftists who come to power cannot control the situation in a critical period and fall from power in the public eye:

“Let Macron abuse this and return to politics. In other words, in this way, opponents will be eliminated, Macron will take power again and implement a tougher policy. However, in politics, these mathematical calculations can also have the opposite effect, as in the case of parliamentary elections, Macron’s calculations have not been fulfilled and he may be removed from power.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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