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HomeBreaking Newsfrom a €300 baby check to the construction of 4,600 apartments

from a €300 baby check to the construction of 4,600 apartments

The Mayor of Valencia, Maria José Cataláannounced 50 new measures for the city on Monday.

Among them, direct assistance from 300 euros per child born from January 1, 2025a new plot of land in the Benimàmet district with the construction of more than 4,600 homes and the ban on cruise ships docking simultaneously on the same day.

In his first state of the city debate, Catalá took stock of his first year as mayor, after two terms of local government of Compromís and PSPV.

He defended that Valencia “is on the move” and that it has gone from “increasing taxes and not making investments” to “lowering taxes, improving the provision of services and reducing debt.”

In addition to highlighting the “biggest drop in municipal taxes in history” and the reactivation of the economy, with the release of business permits, the mayor wanted her first words to be for the family and friends of those who died in the Campanar fire. “Valencia will always carry them in its heart,” he said.

Catala did it 50 adsfocused on housing, sustainability, mobility, security and tourism regulation, giving priority to neighbors. Here are the main ones:


  • Review and update of the General Urban Planning Plan.

  • New bag of land in Benimamet. An area of ​​402,675 square meters and a buildable area of ​​461,266. In this new bag of land you can build more than 4,600 homesof which nearly 1,000 will be intended for public protection.

  • New urban planning for the districts of Tendetes, Marxalenes and Zaidia with the aim of launching new facilities and green spaces in these neighborhoods. And where the expansion of the Valencian Institute of Oncology will be included.

  • Program to improve access to the city to transform them into dignified facades and reduce noise.

  • Investment of 11.4 million euros in the redevelopment of the Virgen de los Desamparados (Tres Forques) and Campanar (Tendetes) housing groups.

  • License for port blocks.

green city

  • Writing of the Desembocadura Park.

  • New cycle-pedestrian route in the last section of the Turia River, the Europe section, 1.2 km, with a minimum width of 5 meters and with a 2 meter wide cycle path. With a budget of €1.4 million.

  • The city’s noise reduction plan provides for the installation in neighborhoods with the highest leisure intensity of terraces with a photocatalytic material, which absorbs harmful particles from the air, and a sound-absorbing material that absorbs noise.

  • Plan to improve the road surface with sound-absorbing material that reduces noise by up to 10 decibels and reduces emissions of almost 700 tonnes of CO2 per year.

  • Commissioning of the largest urban solar power plant with 6,600 solar panels, which will help 800 vulnerable families.

  • Pilot project for energy self-sufficiency in Perellonet.

State of the City Debate This Monday. EE


Safety and fire fighting

  • 95% bonus from ICIO for communities of owners who wish to change their facade because it has the material and characteristics similar to the Campanar building.

  • Obligation to present a Operational intervention sheet to obtain a license. A document containing basic information about the building so that firefighters can “at a glance” see and plan the action strategy.

  • Presentation of the Medal of Recognition to all companies and entities that collaborated in the Campanar fire.

  • Reinforcement of cleaning with more resources and launch of a new cleaning brigade specific to children’s playgrounds throughout the city, which will be applied every 15 days.
  • Incorporation of 57 new police officers by October 1st and 150 new officers before the end of the year. Demand that the central government eliminate the replacement rate and integrate new police officers.

  • 13 fixed security video cameras on Malvarrosa beach, 5 video cameras in the Malvarrosa area and 11 video cameras in Forn d’Alcedo.

  • Sub-detention of the local police in Benimámet and completion of the Malilla police station project for its tender and award.

  • Project for the gradual installation of security cameras in the city center.

  • 16 new vehicles for the fire brigade: two new ladders (one 32 metres and the other 42 metres), 3 heavy urban pumps, 2 nursing pumps, 2 electric vehicles and 6 hybrids and 1 logistics support van.

  • Completion of the first phase of fire-fighting cannons in the Exit with the installation of 3 additional cannons.

Social policy and conciliation

  • Reconciliation and Maternity Plan: More than 3 million euros to extend free education for 0-3 year-olds until July, subsidize morning classes and increase meal grants; free summer schools in municipal schools and direct aid of 300 euros per newborn.

  • New municipal building in the district of The pillar intended for dependencies and a new space for seniors.

  • Shock plan for waiting lists of dependents.

  • Extension of the care and monitoring service for people with mental health problems.

  • New Dependencies Plan 2025-2029 with a particular focus on the prevention and early detection of drug use among young people


  • Purchase of 168 new buseselectric and hybrid, EMT for an amount of 90 million; 2 million euros to make the canopies safer, better lit and equipped with better information panels; and an additional 2 million to make 97% of the stops accessible.

  • Close-up on recovery 1,000 parking spaces in the advent of the Naranjos, advent of Malvarrosa, Torrefiel, Olivereta, Benimàmet and Benicalap.

  • Traffic lights on the busiest cycle paths to give priority to pedestrians.

  • Pilot project to install traffic lights with detection of pedestrians getting on and off the bus to alert or stop the cycle path in places where high pedestrian density makes it desirable.

  • Creation of pedestrian crossings on cycle paths to allow access to waste containers.

  • Lower the most problematic cycle lanes on the road to gain space on the sidewalks and eliminate accident-prone black spots such as the roundabout at the intersection of Blasco Ibáñez and Cardenal Benlloch Avenue.

  • Launch of the new MoviEMT title, Valencia being the first city in Spain to offer a wallet and a smart card with the mobile phone.

Catalá during the debate on the state of the city of Valencia

Efe/Manuel Bruque



  • Two-year plan for the overall improvement of markets of more than 6 million.

  • Rehabilitation of the Abastos Sports and Cultural Complex with 1.8 million euros and award of a sports concession for works and services aimed at improving the sports offer of residents with a minimum investment of 9 million euros.

  • Renovation and rehabilitation of the Ayora swimming pool with a budget of more than 700,000 euros.

  • Renovation of the summer swimming pools of Parque del Oeste, Castellar and El Palmar for an amount of €3.3 million.

  • New sports infrastructure in the Trinitat district.

  • Opening of the Nou Moles Sports Center.

  • Work begins on the San Isidro Sports Center.

  • Lighting renovation with a budget of more than 4 million shares in Benicalap, Rascanya, Saidia, Benimaclet, Olivereta, Castellar, Nazaret, Orriols, Fuensanta, Campanar, Malvarrosa, San Antoni, Torrefiel and Cabanyal, among others.

  • Definitive boost to the rehabilitation of the Covetes de San Joan which provides for subsidiary executions and purchase options by the City Council

  • Agreement between the City Council and the Port Authority of Valencia to unlock the Marina and make it the largest entrepreneurial and innovative hub in southern Europe.

  • Submission to the Ministry of all municipal technical reports to unblock the burial of the sawmill tracks.

  • Request for reform of the local financing system: amendment of the Local Treasury Law, with the aim of guaranteeing greater participation of municipalities in state revenues.


  • The City Council will order the supply companies to cut off electricity, water and other supplies to the illegal tourist apartments in the city, and will ask the authorities to sanction the Generalitat.

  • Creation of a cruise working group between the City Council, the Port Authority and the sector: priority will be given to ships that use Valencia as their home port; there will be no simultaneous docking of cruise ships during the day, except in exceptional circumstances; and we will focus on ships that carry fewer passengers, but have a greater economic impact on the city.


  • New renovation works at the Palau de la Música.

  • New Music Auditorium in Benicalap.

  • Award of the drafting of the project to make the Casa del Relojero an interpretation center of the Holy Chalice.

  • Digitization of museums and monuments.

  • Valencia Music City strategy to make Valencia a musical and cultural reference.

  • Drafting of the reconstruction project of the Sorolla Monument.




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