Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 2:49 pm
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from free schooling to tax cuts

Finally, this Tuesday, the Popular Party will register its conciliation law in the Congress of Deputies. This is a text “worked on for months”, according to its promoter, the Deputy Secretary for Equality, Conciliation and Social Policy, Ana Alos. with her, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo has succeeded in setting the agenda since the beginning of the political journey. And above all, disconcerting locals and foreigners alike. Some members of his own party think it is a “social democratic” bet; and the government was caught off guard.

The people put aside the purely political discourse, even if they will continue to fight before the courts and the European institutions against the amnesty or the Catalan concert. They will not abandon initiatives against “the corruption that surrounds Pedro Sanchezto his government, his party and his personal environment”, but they are oriented towards “resolving the daily problems of the Spanish people”.

First, because they believe that the PSOE is “only focused on Sánchez’s survival in Moncloa and he forgot reality“. And secondly, because this type of electoral campaign with tangible promises, recorded in Congress, debated and voted on, “is the best way to demonstrate that we can rule as soon as the Spaniards can express themselves at the polls.

And, incidentally, hire Sánchez’s partners. “Let’s see who is able to vote against of standards that are not ideological, but transversal”, in the words of a senior official of the management of Genoa. Because after unwinding the ELA law, in a few weeks, the PP law on housing will also arrive.

It is the decalogue of a conciliation law which aims, in one fell swoop, make life easier workers, increase productivity businesses, develop rights and improve the living conditions of young people and, to sum it all up, “roll out a red carpet for those who want to have children”in the words of Feijóo, in a country where 200,000 fewer children are born than just ten years ago.

“We need children,” cries Senator Alós, “and today many are not born because families can’t even consider it“.

conciliatory decalogue

  1. The free nursery schools 0-3 years old throughout Spain. The rule proposes extending the measure to all Autonomous Communities, as is already the case in Galicia and the Valencian Community, with 50% financing between regional governments and the State.

  2. Enlargement of paternity and maternity leave. The PP proposes to increase parental leave from 16 to 20 weeks and to promote their “consecutive” enjoyment. In this way, two objectives are promoted: that the minor lives as long as possible with his parents in his first stage of life, and greater co-responsibility of men in parenthood.

  3. The recognition of single-parent families and the extension of their permits. The legal text assimilates, in certain aspects, these families to large families, “because of the particular vulnerability of people, mainly women, who until now have given up part of their working time and, consequently, of their salary, to take care of their children. .
  4. Bonuses for caregiver contract for large and single-parent families. It’s about removing barriers for a key figure in many middle-class families. A 45% deduction from social security contributions for domestic workers (almost always female workers) takes them out of an almost forced underground economy.
  5. Improvements in recognition large families. The standard aims to grant real economic and social advantages to this type of coexistence units, to the extent that they bear the greatest “burdens” and those which “contribute” the most to the demographic challenge.
  6. Measurements for family models with specific needs of conciliation.
    • Families with affected people disability or with minors who suffer chronic diseasesand for civil servants who have children with serious illnesses (currently discriminated against private sector workers).

    • Families in situations of vulnerability.

    • Families living in rural environment. They will benefit from specific aid for hiring educators when there is no school for 0 to 3 year olds in their municipality.
    • The families of reception.
  7. A support plan to facilitate return to work women who have left their jobs ask care leave children or parents.
    • Self-employed workers will have two years fee waiver of Social Security.

  8. Development of flexible working hours and the creation of hour banks which workers can use according to their needs. The people have a meeting next week with social agents to explain their project and begin to negotiate this point, among others.
  9. Plan of measures to promote awareness on conciliation. “It is not only male parents who must take responsibility, but also businesses and society in general,” explains Ana Alós.
  10. Improvement of the tax treatment of families, updating of the maternity deduction and establishment of a direct assistance to families with dependent children. The annual 1,200 euros for children under 3 years old, not revised since the beginning of the century, will increase by around 50%.




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