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HomeBreaking Newsfrom her words of love to Travis to her vote for Kamala...

from her words of love to Travis to her vote for Kamala Harris

The pop star Taylor Swift (34 years old) reigned last Wednesday, September 11th during the awards ceremony MTV Music Video Awards (VMA) with seven awards, including Music Video of the Year for Fifteen days next to Post Malon (29). In addition, she expressed her gratitude to her boyfriend, Travis Kelce (34), for having given him “happiness, fun and magical“.

Swift made history winning for the fifth time the award for best music video, the most striking; He was also named artist of the year and best pop artist; and added the titles of best collaboration, summer songdirecting and editing, he won a total of seven of the twelve candidates for which he was eligible.

The video of Fifteen days It’s directed by Swift herself, who appears with her face covered in tattoos, in the style of Post Malone, and in addition, the actors play Ethan Hawke And Josh Charles; The artist dedicated the grand prize to them and the technical team at the end of the three-hour gala.

[Taylor Swift arrasa en los MTV VMA con siete premios e iguala el récord de 30 estatuillas de Beyoncé]

Taylor Swift at the 2024 MTV VMA Awards.


“I’ll always remember when I finished a take and said ‘cut!’ I heard someone clapping in the back of the studio where we were recordingand that person was my boyfriend, Travis -Kelce-. Everything that man touches becomes happiness, pleasure and magic, so I want to thank him,” she said, overwhelmed with love, during her speech.

He was expected to speak out on policy after having given his support to the Democratic presidential candidate last Tuesday Kalama Harris (59), but this Wednesday he was more subtle, pointing out that the newly won award came from a fan vote and asking them: “if they are over 18 years old, sign up to vote something else“.

The singer, posing during the awards photoshoot last Wednesday.


The singer and songwriter, who started in country music and she moved on to pop, racking up 30 MTV VMA awards during her career, the same number as the pop diva Beyonce (43 years old), who, paradoxically, tried his hand at country music on his last album; Now, they both share the record.

On another trip to the stage, when he won the evening’s top award for Best Collaboration, he wanted to remember the victims of the September 11 attacks and their loved ones, adding that “This is the most important thing today, and everything that happens tonight is behind that“.

Swift arrived on the MTV red carpet like a gothic princesswith an original yellow and gray tartan dress consisting of a corset and a skirt open at the front revealing black shorts with matching high boots; In addition, she wore mittens with crossed straps up to the elbows.

His support for Kamala

“Like many of you, I watched tonight’s debate. If you haven’t already, Now is a good time to study the issues at stake and the positions these candidates take on the issues that matter most to you.. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about the policies and plans you are proposing for this country,” Taylor begins his message of support for Harris.

“I recently learned that an AI of me falsely endorsed the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump (78). This really brought up my fears about AI and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It led me to the conclusion that I needed to be very transparent about my real plans for this election as a voter. The easiest way to combat misinformation is to tell the truth.” he adds.

“I will vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz In the 2024 presidential elections, I am voting for Kamala because she fights for rights and causes that I believe need a warrior to defend them. I think she is a talented and stable leader and I believe we can achieve much more in this country if we are guided by calm and not by chaos. (…) I have investigated and I have made my decision. The research is yours and the choice is yours. I also want to say, especially to first-time voters: remember that to vote, you have to be registered!” he concludes.




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