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HomeBreaking NewsFrom limiting advertising to reforming the gag law

From limiting advertising to reforming the gag law

He Action Plan for Democracy Approved this Tuesday by the Council of Ministers, it was born as a strategy for democratic regeneration, but most of its content does not concern the government but the media. The underlying idea, according to Moncloa, is to increase transparency and pursue disinformation.

The project, which includes 31 measures and is expected to be implemented in the There are three years left in the legislatureincludes measures promised for years to parliamentary partners, such as the reform of the offences of insulting state institutions or offending religious feelings, or the updating of the law on state secrets.

The objective, stated during the Council press conference by the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanosconsists of “expanding and improving the quality of information”; strengthening the transparency, plurality and responsibility of the “information ecosystem”; and strengthening the transparency of the legislative branch and the electoral system. These are some of the most notable measures.

Media Registration

Commissioned by the CNMC. The government will ask the National Securities Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) to register media outlets and make public information about their owners and the advertising investments they receive.

Reform the CNMC

More skills. In order to be able to assume this task, the Government will entrust more functions to the CNMC so that it “can assume these powers”, which it does not currently have. It will also include new teams in the arbitral body.

Protecting journalists

Anti-SLAPP Directive. Still with the media, the Government will transpose the European directive known as anti-SLAPPwhich protects journalists from external harassment for publishing their information.

Public funding

Limit advertising. According to this precept, the financing of public administrations (from the State to the municipalities) will be limited to the media so that there are no media promoted or dependent only on them.

Media pluralism

Avoid oligopolies. One of the least concrete lines will be, in the words of the government, to “review the regulatory framework to guarantee pluralism” and avoid the concentration of the media.

Freedom of expression

Against censorship. Reform of the articles of the Penal Code that limit freedom of expression, such as those that refer to state institutions, religious feelings or public ridicule. Crimes against the Crown will not be addressed, one of the doubts until the last moment.

Advertising law

New criteria. Reform of the Institutional Advertising Law to introduce proportionality and non-discrimination criteria, create new audience measurement systems and support media in official languages ​​other than Spanish.

Shield Sources

Reform the secret. The government will also undertake a reform of the law on professional secrecy of journalists, which is the standard that protects the anonymity of sources.

gag law

Use of images. He Action Plan for Democracy includes the first revision of the Citizen Security Act (known as jaw) six years after Sánchez came to power. Specifically, he will address Article 36, paragraph 23, which considers the use of images of state security forces and agencies as a “serious offence.”

New commission

At the Congress. Creation of a new commission in Congress to combat disinformation. A national strategy will also be created with the same objective.




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