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HomeBreaking NewsFrom Mehri to Zangilan: elevations, positions, strategic points

From Mehri to Zangilan: elevations, positions, strategic points

Episode 146 of Baku TV’s “Karabakh Chronicle” has been broadcast.

The host of the program, military correspondent Fardin Isazade, commented on the arrival of the head of the terrorist organization “Yerkrapa”, Sasun Mikaelya, to the conditional border between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

According to him, S. Mikaelyan’s activity indicates the involvement of “Yerkrapa” in military operations, including intelligence activities and strengthening positions on the conventional border.

“In addition, their movement to various heights of the Mehri-Guney ridge, including important points with strategic and tactical features, indicates their serious intentions to actively monitor Azerbaijani positions. Such actions can be interpreted as preparation for possible scenarios of escalation of the conflict.”

F. Isazade stressed that his arrival at the conditional border is not just any trip:

“This situation calls into question the sincerity of the peace-loving Armenian authorities on the one hand, and the legitimacy of the Armenian armed forces on the other, and makes preventive measures inevitable.”

In the detailed plot:

From Mehri to Zangilan: elevations, positions, strategic points

From Mehri to Zangilan: elevations, positions, strategic points


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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