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Fruits to include in your meals to combat constipation

Tender, tasty, very juicy and sweet – although with some acidic touches – if picked well ripe, wild blackberries are a gift from nature not only for the sensations they give when tasted, but also for their nutritional properties and all the benefits that they contribute to our health. The forest delicacy grows in abundance in the regions of northern Spain and neighboring Portugal.

Anyone who has visited the regions of Cantabria, the Basque Country or Galicia during the summer – or better yet, anyone who lives in these latitudes – will know that these months are ideal for gorging on these berries while walking in nature. Blackberries reproduce very quickly and anarchicly on the roadsides, in small family gardens, on the banks of rivers and in the middle of forests, seeking cool climates and moist soils.

Blackberries – white, Morus Alba, or black, Morus Nigra– They originate from ancient Persia and are also excellent quality fruits.

There are over 300 types of blackberriesbut if we talk about blackberries, just pay attention to the bushes and select the ripest fruits – which have changed their red tones to purple – being careful not to get scratched by the thorns of the blackberries. We are talking about blackberries, or Rubus Ulmifolius, that “they have little to do, apart from the name, with blackberries from trees (mulberries)”, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN).

Despite their small size, these fruits are very powerful and concentrate large quantities of vitamins K, C and E, folates, pigments, calcium and organic acids; while they are very low in calories, which is explained by their high water content. According to the FEN, a portion of blackberries covers 30% of vitamin E intake.

Fortunately, we can not only enjoy wild blackberries. Thanks to the cultivation of these berries, we can find them almost all year round in the refrigerated berry section of our local store, greengrocer or supermarket of your choice. In addition to fresh fruit, we can buy them frozen – normally, with other red fruits – which allows us to preserve them for a long time without losing their nutrients and to always have them available.




Fiber, collagen and other benefits

Blackberries contain a lot of dietary fiber, which promotes bowel regularity and prevents constipationso consuming them in moderation contributes to having good digestive health. In addition, thanks to vitamin C, they are very rich in collagen, so their consumption is associated with a better appearance of the skin and a delayed aging. We explain other benefits of including them in our diet:

  • They have a high antioxidant power. They contain a high concentration of anthocyanins – responsible for their dark color –, flavonoids and polyphenols. Their power lies in the fact that they are a neutralizer of free radicals, sources of chronic diseases. According to a report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, blackberries contain more antioxidants than other fruits.
  • They promote good cognitive function. They help maintain good brain health, as well as memory. According to the Annals of Neurology, daily consumption of blackberries – as well as strawberries – can delay memory loss in older adults.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols have beneficial effects on reducing blood pressure and inflammation. Due to the presence of anthocyanins, blackberry consumption has been associated with a lower rate of cardiovascular events.
  • They are beneficial for our bones. Thanks to their calcium, magnesium and potassium content, they promote bone and muscle health. In addition, they help maintain good glycemic control and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Its properties are so numerous that in ancient times it is known that the fruits and leaves were used as medicine. In the form of an infusion, for example, they help relieve diarrhea, thrush and angina.

In areas where it is very abundant, it is produced blackberry honey, with a dark color between red and amber and a strong flavor with fruity and woody touches. It has calming, diuretic and tonic properties. And it binds very well to sweeten homemade desserts.

In the same way that mushroom lovers celebrate the arrival of autumn and the first weeks of October to organize their mountain excursions and load their baskets with mushrooms, the same thing happens to blackberry lovers in summer; especially at the end of this season.




How to consume them

In addition to eating them immediately, blackberries are a trim Delicious to complement a cereal or nut yogurt, they are spectacular in homemade desserts such as sponge cakes, muffins or red fruit tarts, in the form of ice creams, jams, smoothies or refreshing salads.

They are an ideal option, for example, to start the day with a light but at the same time very nutritious breakfast loaded with antioxidants. In this case, it can be combined with dairy products, such as kefir or yogurt – with beneficial properties for our microbiota thanks to the ferments -, with whole grains such as oats – which also provide a lot of fiber and energy -, or with a handful of nuts to complete breakfast with healthy fats.

If you have a whim homemade jam and some blackberries within reach, cover your arms well so as not to hurt yourself too much, pick as many blackberries as possible and follow this recipe:

  • You will need 600 grams of blackberries, 1/4 lemon, 2 grams of neutral gelatin powder – if you are vegetarian or vegan, check that it does not contain ingredients of animal origin – and 100 milliliters of water.
  • Once all the ingredients are prepared, put the blackberries in a saucepan over low heat and mash them with a fork, pour in both the water and the lemon juice.
  • Once boiled, lower the heat to the maximum and let it cook for about 20 minutes, you will see how it thickens. Remember to stir to avoid burning. Finally, add the gelatin and mix well. Cook for another 20 minutes then let it cool. And all you have to do is wrap it up and enjoy your jam accompanied by other fresh fruits, good quality bread, cheese, yogurt or a delicious dessert.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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