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HomeBreaking NewsFuad Huseynaliyev: "Armenia is becoming a conflict arena for foreign actors"

Fuad Huseynaliyev: “Armenia is becoming a conflict arena for foreign actors”

“Comprehensive peace with Azerbaijan, normalization of relations with Turkey and opening of regional communications are the only ways for Armenia to get rid of the influence of foreign actors.”

This was stated by Fuad Huseynaliyev, director of the “Report” news agency, in an interview with the CBC television channel.

“In general, a very interesting game is being played in our region at the moment. Many international players are taking part in this game, some secretly and some openly. Among the players exhibiting an open game is France, which is very actively advancing on the Armenian path and trying to take a dominant position in this country. It is one of the hidden players and we can mention both the United States and Russia,” he said.

According to F. Huseynaliyev, despite the anti-Russian rhetoric of the Pashinyan government, Russia has not taken any special measures against Armenia; on the contrary, there is actually a large increase in trade turnover between these countries.

“I understand that this is primarily about evading Western sanctions. However, the Western countries themselves do not turn a blind eye to this. This does not concern the United States, Europe, including France, or other countries. Pashinyan on the one hand says that he intends to distance himself from Russian influence, and on the other hand, he will be a bulwark for the West. Now Armenia is actively receiving Western weapons, and, by the way, as reported on our separate websites, the supply of Russian weapons to this country has also begun,” he said.

According to the director of the agency, Armenia is becoming a node where the interests of countries that take completely different positions in other fields overlap.

“Under these conditions, the future of Armenia does not look very good. When multipolar actors such as the United States and Europe, i.e. the West on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other, are concentrated in one country, I do not think that this will lead to a good result, not only in the long term, but also in the medium term,” he noted.

F. Huseynaliyev also added that Pashinyan invites Western players and buys Western weapons, contrary to his statements about the desire to see Armenia completely free from the influence of third players, which largely depends on Russia’s participation.

“Of course, this will lead to an explosive and dangerous situation at some point. The way to become completely independent from the influence of foreign actors is through a comprehensive peace with Azerbaijan, normalization of relations with Turkey and opening of regional communications. All this will really pave the way for the development of Armenia as a full-fledged country, but today we do not see the preconditions for this, on the contrary, Armenia is getting deeper into the game and turning into a battlefield for foreign actors,” he stressed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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