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Galicia to create ‘bank’ to ensure generational change in agricultural and livestock farming

Before the end of the year, the Xunta de Galicia plans to put into operation the Bank of Exploitations, a platform in which Owners of farms and livestock operations that will close in the coming months will be able to register in order to find potential interested parties who will continue their activity.This is what the president of the administration is addressing with “broad and transversal” planning.

“Guaranteeing the future of primary sector farms is a priority of the Ministry of Rural Affairs,” said the head of the sector, María José Gómez, in her speech. In this sense, he indicated, a “broad and transversal” plan is being developed, based on three pillars: training, insertion in the agricultural and livestock sector and awareness raising. It is from this project that the initiative of the Exploitation Bank is born, presented this Monday to the Council, which, in turn, It is linked to a new line of cooperation assistance.

This tool, he continued, will be an instrument “to provide information and advice from rural offices” and promote extra-family help on farms where there is no expectation of continuity within the family itself. To do this, it will put in contact the owners who are going to close their business (transferors) with possible interested parties in continuing the agricultural and livestock activity (transferees) through purchase or rental. A “very good opportunity”, as the councilor defined it, both for the transferors, who will be able to supplement their retirement pension with the income generated, and for the transferees, who will be able to access the management of a farm already in operation and viable. All this in a process that will be supervised by the rural offices of the “, explained Gómez. It is expected, he indicated, that it will be operational before the end of this year.

Cooperation assistance

This bank is, in turn, the preliminary stage to the publication, for the first time, of the call for aid for cooperation for the next generation in agriculture, which will come into force next year with an allocation of 2.1 million euros for the period 2025-2029. “A completely new line of support that will benefit farmers and breeders who have reached retirement age or who, due to force majeure, are forced to close their farms,” ​​the minister said.

Therefore, interested parties must register their business with the Exploitation Bank and present a cooperation project with the new person who will assume management, which includes a rental or purchase and sale contract for its transfer. Each grant, Gómez explained, will be calculated based on the economic dimension of the operation and will last up to five years.

Support measures

Likewise, for the launch of the Bank of Exploitations, the Autonomous Administration will also carry out a series of support measures. The first of these will be a vpublic isor which will be available on the Ministry’s websitein which the transmission-sensitive farms can be consulted. Secondly, and intrinsically linked to the previous one, there will be the adoption and dissemination of standardized models for this process. That is, both to request the inclusion of an asset in the Bank and to present requests for intermediation for access to one of these assets by persons interested in the rental, exchange, acquisition or any other legal operation of assignment of use or transfer. rights.

Likewise, the Autonomous Administration will also carry out a series of training actions so that rural office staff can provide the corresponding support and advice to people interested in transferring farms through this tool.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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