It’s already being processed and Rueda hopes “it will be a reality by early 2025”
During his appearance this Sunday to report on the topics discussed during the “retreat” that he carried out with his advisors in Sober (Lugo), the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, announced the creation of own marketing company this will allow “Make it cheaper and decarbonize energy consumption in Galicia.
Rueda made it before the media from the country house that houses the Palacio de Sober Hotel, where he and his twelve advisors stayed this weekend. As reported by Ep, the Galician president confirmed that Sociedad Resources de Galicia has already started the procedures creating the marketing company which he hopes will be “a reality by early 2025”.
“We want it to provide services to strategic sectors of the Galician economy as well as to residents who live near places where there are energy production projects that this company is going to commercialize,” said Rueda. The objective that the new company will have, in addition to revitalizing the territory: sell “100% renewable energy, in a stable manner” and at a price significantly lower than the market price, a significantly cheaper price. »
(news in extension)
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