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HomeBreaking NewsGarcía Ortiz's number 2 excludes that the Attorney General committed a crime...

García Ortiz’s number 2 excludes that the Attorney General committed a crime by releasing the press release about Ayuso’s boyfriend

The lieutenant prosecutor at the Supreme Court, Angeles Sanchez Conderuled out that his direct superior, the state attorney general, Álvaro Garcia Ortizcommitted a crime of revelation of secrets by publishing a press release detailing the tax fraud procedure in which he is immersed Alberto González Amador, Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s boyfriend.

In this informative note, whose dissemination was ensured by García Ortiz himself, it was revealed that it was González Amador himself who suggested an agreement to the prosecutor in his case and not the other way around, as had published a national newspaper, without being informed. TRUE. .

This statement, sent to the press, included, exactly dated, extracts from conversations between e-mail between González Amador’s lawyer and the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office who accused him of two crimes of fraud against the Treasury.

That’s when Ayuso’s boyfriend intervened a complaint against the state attorney general for an alleged offense of revealing secrets. Other entities and individuals, such as the leader of the Manos Médicas union, Miguel Bernad, presented theirs.

As Attorney General, the case against him, which had been handled by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), was brought before the Supreme Court, before which García Ortiz is registered, as well as other national authorities, like the deputies. Congress.

Today, in a 45-page report, Sánchez Conde defends his superior’s actions regarding the release of the memo. He considers it “harmless” and “not harmful”.

Emphasizes the number two of García Ortiz to the extent that what was reflected in this message broadcast —the exchange of emails between a prosecutor and the defense lawyer— Public opinion already knew this. In fact, it affects that said emails “they were already circulating in the editorial offices of different media” and were not part of the procedure against González Amador. All had already been published in one media or another.

Likewise, the lieutenant prosecutor of the Supreme Court points out that the first article signed by a newspaper on this affair —”the falsity of which was proven shortly afterwards”—, added to the “demonstrations around the Presidency of the Community of Madrid”made the publication of the statement “indispensable” to clarify how the events actually unfolded.

Sánchez Conde’s report, in turn, criticizes the “virulent reaction of the investigated community” against the Attorney General of Madrid, once his status as investigator in a criminal proceeding for tax fraud was made public.

According to the prosecutor’s report, this press release was drawn up in compliance with all data protection recommendations and in no way violated González Amador’s right to defense.

“In short, given the interest aroused by public opinion in relation to the information published, [la nota de prensa] dedicated himself to denying, with chronologically systematized facts, the lies published (…) which were obviously false and which confused citizens,” says Sánchez Conde.

“In this context of disinformation and lack of veracity, it was necessary, in addition to defending the impartiality of a constitutional body such as the public prosecutor and its own members, who exercise their functions with absolute professionalism, to provide authentic information and reliable information,” concludes the report sent to the second chamber of the Supreme Court. This court must now decide whether or not to indict García Ortiz for these events.




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