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HomeBreaking NewsGeorgian President to run for second term: 'I am ready to negotiate'

Georgian President to run for second term: ‘I am ready to negotiate’

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili has said she is ready to run for a second term in order to promote the country’s integration into Europe.

About this Oku.Az Reports with reference to TASS.

“I am ready to take on a great responsibility for Georgia’s return to the European path, including running for a second term. If my proposed letter (action plan in case the opposition wins the elections – TASS ed.) is implemented, I am ready to negotiate with our European partners,” Zurabishvili said in an interview with the French newspaper “Le Figaro”.

Zurabishvili accused the government of trying to distance Georgia from Europe and put it under the protectorate of Russia. According to the president, the ruling party “Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia” has made a clear choice in favour of rapprochement with Moscow with its actions, including the adoption of the law on foreign agents. He called the parliamentary elections to be held on October 26 as vital and said that the country’s future in Europe will be decided in them.

It should be noted that in June Zurabishvili invited the opposition to sign the letter reinforcing the reforms that the new parliament and the government must implement, if the opposition wins the next parliamentary elections. The letter provides for the repeal of laws that undermine the country’s European direction, in particular the law on foreign agents adopted in May and some changes to the Electoral Code. Almost all opposition leaders signed the document.

Recall that Salome Zurabishvili was elected for a six-year term in 2018. Her term expires this autumn. According to the new constitutional changes, the future president will be elected for a five-year term by a college of 300 voters, including MPs and representatives of local authorities, following the parliamentary elections on 26 October.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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